nozomiww Member


  • Not to mention the vast number of items that I cannot enter in grams. Sigh.
  • It's a known issue apparently and they still haven't fixed it yet even after it being an ongoing issue for months now... they didn't even provide a timeline for fixing it. :(
  • I wish they would provide an update on this. I'm using this app to prepare for a bodybuilding show and I've had at least two mishaps now where my food gets all screwed up because something was duplicated or, in some cases, it'll randomly delete things! It's incredibly frustrating given how much money I am paying every year…
  • Having the same problem but luckily it will go away if I close and re open the app.
  • I'm also hoping they add this feature especially to mobile. I want two different versions of the same recipe because sometimes I need to change which one I'm going to make for dinner based on the macros. I am worried if I do the 0.0001 thing to make an ingredient "hidden" temporarily that I'll forget to add it back later.…