Protein is .7- 1 gram per pound of body weight if you’re not overweight by much. More overweight and base protein on your goal weight. Carbs are a personal decision. There is no real rule however the fewer highly processed ones the better.
adding calories won’t cause further weightloss, if anything you may need to lower. That’s a good rate of loss so more than likely you needed to leave the calorie amount alone if you were still losing.
scale is a 100% must
In order to be accurate the first step is logging EVERY DAY CONSISTENTLY. This is why the weekly number is what you want to look at because daily numbers vary and then some people don’t log high days. Every day matters when you’re counting if you want to do it right
No loss in 4-6 weeks at a certain calorie intake means your weekly intake is too high. You now know your actual maintenance calories and that is hugely important info. The calculator numbers are just suggestions.
If no loss or extremely slow loss after 4-6 weeks at a calorie amount then your weekly calorie amount is too high regardless of how big a deficit you’re calculating.
Abs abs abs abs….. Why are people so focused on this? It is a highly overrated goal. For most you need an unhealthy body fat amount for starters. Genetics play a huge part of the equation. Someone with a naturally good set just has to diet down where someone that is naturally ab deficient needs to first build those muscles…
No. My exercise routine is consistent so I just use the TDEE method. Trying to be accurate with the calorie burn on the app just adds another dimension to being inaccurate. Plus I’m lazy and that’s just more than I want to take on. TDEE has been working for 20 plus years so if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. Some people are…
Just log the half and half
Skinless turkey and chicken breast is hard to beat for the calories and protein amounts. Thighs if you can fit in the calories are more palatable though and they have some fat which may or may not be a benefit depending on what your fat intake goal is.
Don’t worry about the time just listen to your body and stop when you’ve had enough. Stamina will come with time and it usually improves fairly rapidly so there is no value in overdoing it
Daily fluctuations are meaningless
Wrong. It's all about weekly calorie amounts. Meal timing has nothing to do with it. Exercise calorie burn is minor compared to BMR and NEAT
lol, the divorce diet. Know it well…
It’s not worth it past one time. That will give you a number to go off of after that. Eggs , depending on size (large,etc) won’t really vary enough to worry about.
It seems that sipping water over time has a better effect than downing large amounts all at once. The latter and it seems to just move rapidly through your system then you’re trying to find a bathroom.
Water does not cause weightloss. The amount of water will depend on how hydrated you already are and what the weather is like there is no real rule. If you’re thirsty then drink.
I also just weigh once a week on Friday morning as I’m usually going to let the diet slide a bit on the weekend and Monday will have a few lbs of water retention. Anecdotally once a week works for me however many people weigh daily which is fine too.
First thing in the morning after peeing. Always weigh at this time for accurate consistency
You won’t add muscle with that deficit. The best you can do right now is get on a good lifting program and eat enough protein to at least keep what muscle you have. Once you get close to your goal weight you’re going to want to reverse diet going into a small caloric surplus and continue to lift on a proper program and…
No lifting while in a deficit is a huge mistake.
You are not overweight enough to run that big of a deficit. If you were obese, it would be one thing but you’re not. You may want to stick with a 1 pound per week loss. Any more than that and you’ll run into all kinds of issues it’s not that it can’t be done. It’s just not the best way to do it, muscle loss will be one of…
eating “healthy” will not automatically allow you to keep the weight off, it helps but doesn’t guarantee it. You need to be cognizant of your overall weekly calories so my suggestion would be if you’re losing weight right now on whatever drug you’re taking start keeping track of your calories whatever these calories are…
Those things are definitely temporary fixes even if you do lose weight and get down to your target weight you're gonna need to not go back your old eating habits otherwise the weight goes right back on then you're right back where you started. They only work if there's a realization once they've done their job that your…
I have found that limited water intake after 4 PM. Really helps to eliminate those bathroom trips after you fall asleep at night.
Noted that it takes a month or so to see if youre in a weekly deficit. Definitely questioning the 7K weekly intake. No mention of dropping cals at this point however good to double check all counting and tracking methods
She is eating more than 7000 cal a week possibly double that several things count for under counting and whether it's not counting everything, using the wrong data , or not counting every day. No loss in a month or so means no weeky deficit. You can have a few days a week where you're in a deficit and the other days you're…
Reduce weekly calories by 2,000 -3,500 while continuing to lift.
What is your reasoning for doing this type of fasting?
It may work or it may not. There are all the factors involved that need to be in place in order to have success from the get go. Most people after a month or so need to adjust things around a bit in order to hit their target.