dogwalker157 Member


  • Lisa, I'm just logging in after a long hiatus. I'm sorry to learn of your dad's passing in November. I am glad to hear that you have been able to get some travel and relaxation- though I know travel comes with it's own stress :smile: I haven't been paying much attention to my nutrition and overall health for some time now.…
  • Welcome FuriousHampster This group isn't consistently active. We tend to disappear for extended periods but some keep returning. I guess it all depends on what is going on in our lives. Even though I'm sporadic, logging back on this thread helps me to get grounded and to refocus on my goals. So even if you don't get a lot…
  • @starlabryars Hello and yes the group is sputtering along . We seem to go through periods of consistent daily posting to weeks with no posts. It seems to keep reviving.
  • Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Take care of yourself and I wish you peace through this difficult time, Dianne
  • @GenXMissusSpags - Great job on another pound lost! When I was working with a nutritionist, she used props to show the equivalent of a pound of fat. It really felt good to see that 1 lb visual. Keep up the great work and enjoy the holiday. I have been doing a bit better with making choices. I met up with a friend who…
  • Lisa, sorry to hear about your dad and hopefully he will get to his own room soon. When my dad recently had his medical issue it quickly consumed a lot of time and energy. It's so easy to put your own needs aside when someone you care about is in crisis. I hope you are able to get rest and take care of yourself as well.
  • Thanks GenX. Yes, Maine is a beautiful place with a fantastic coastline. We bought a fixer upper a few years ago and it's finally livable. We've lived in MA our entire lives so this will be a big change. I got into the frosted animal crackers this afternoon. I went to the grocery store hungry (never a good idea for me) I…
  • @GenXMissusSpags - I am also from Massachusetts though we are slowly moving to Maine. @HASWLRS - I hope things go better with your dad today. I have also been dealing with my father's health issues. Thankfully he was able to go back home after a stay in nursing care. With aging parents, their schedules become ours. I also…
  • I just wrote a long post and somehow lost it. I'm running out of time but just wanted to say how great it is to see the thread so active. All of the positive energy is so inspiring. All of you are doing so well working towards your goals. It really makes me want to do better with my own.
  • Hi All and welcome new folks @HASWLRS - nice job sticking to the plan on your mother-in - law's birthday. It's the choices that we make in the moment that add up. Preplanning is a great way to approach these special occasions. I'm still struggling with overindulging on desserts and snacks. I know I should not bring the…
  • Good morning, Welcome Susan it's nice to have new folks re-energize this thread. Great idea Lisa- I will also reintroduce myself. I'm Dianne from Massachusetts, U.S. I'm 58 and have had some overeating issues for most of my life. I'm fairly active, which helps but I'm still overweight. Over the last few years I have gone…
  • Well done! Thank you for the inspiration!
  • Welcome Marjorie @HASWLRS- I'm right there with you with my sporadic posts and logging. I guess we just keep coming back and that is half the battle. I think keeping our reasons for wanting this front and center in our minds is helpful. When I'm not thinking about the why it just doesn't seem as important. I started…
  • @HASWLRS - thank you and I hope your father is doing well now. This is a lot more of a challenge on these older folks. It's amazing how fast we can throw all of our plans and goals to the side when dealing with stressful and demanding situations. It still surprises me how fast I turn to comfort food when dealing with this…
  • Hello, Not sure folks are still using this thread but I'm going to post just the same. I've been totally off the grid with lots of other issues going on. I had this plan to really start taking care of myself and my well being but then everything went south. My 91 year old father fell and broke his hip which led to a domino…
  • @harringtona1 - sounds like a really nice visit with your daughter. Enjoy that watermelon. @Veta2018 - you seem to have some great motivation and enthusiasm. It is a nice feeling when you know that you're taking care of yourself. I continue to inch my way back and I'm getting closer to my daily calorie goal. I need to get…
  • Wow- great success on the weight loss Veta and Harrington! I wish I could say that I had the same issue with not liking food. These days I seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I continue to log in and am over my daily calorie budget. I'm just going to keep plugging away. I know that I'm going to get back on…
  • Happy Monday, Lots of exercise this weekend but not much logging. Will refocus today and make some good food choices. It is definitely one day at a time for me at the moment. Have a good day!
  • Good morning, I got a nice 4 mile walk yesterday. I did go over my calorie budget but it came down some from the last several days so that's a bit of improvement. I logged everything which is also another step in the right direction. I am going to try to focus on the positive things that I am accomplishing. Focusing on the…
  • Yikes- I just logged yesterday's calories and continue to be well over my target goal. I have lost my focus and reason for wanting to eat healthier. I know that it was really helpful to focus on improving my health versus just losing weight. Today I am going to try to get back to that focus and make good food choices and…
  • @Veta2018 - Nice 3 lb loss and exercising to improve mood. It's so easy for me to do the opposite when I feel like that and end up eating instead. This thread ebbs and flows with activity. It seems to go quiet for awhile and then folks jump back on. I'm slowly getting back in to the routine of logging but still coming in…
  • Good morning All Nice to see all the new folks who share similar goals. I'm trying to get back to making better choices and with the summer nearing an end this might be easier. I've managed to log for the last few days and am slowly getting within reach of my calorie goal. @ddsb1111 - I've wanted to try pilates but thought…
  • I agree- just getting back to logging is an important first step even if the numbers are not good. Ah the cheesy carbs... I have been going back and forth with sweet and salty snacks. I shopped yesterday and left most of the snacks behind. A few months ago when I was on a roll and eating well, I made sure to avoid having…
  • Shape Shifters please
  • Good morning, I can relate to the need for structure. I'm trying to find some sort of balance but nothing is sticking. My goal was to log my food yesterday and I did manage to do it, but was way over. Today I'm going to log and try to stay within reason. I finally got on the scale and I'm up 5 after losing 15. I want to…
  • Hi All So nice to see folks back on this thread :smiley: It has been a nice non-judgmental group. I have been off the grid for awhile. I haven't logged consistently and that has definitely led me to not pay attention to what I'm doing. I have been indiscriminately grazing. My goal for today is to log everything- not…
  • I'm still eating without paying attention or logging. Life is going to start to settle down now so I'm going to make a plan to get back on track. I would like to refocus on my health starting with making better food choices.
  • Just updating where I am at. Pretty much the same spot as the last post. Not really paying much attention to what I'm eating or activity. I think a lot of it has to do with the lack of schedule and entertaining, eating out and all of the other things that go along with summer. I would like to get back in to more of a…
  • @pamperedlinny- tooth pain is the worst. I'm glad you were able to get in and get that part taken care of. Very thoughtful of your husband to take care of you :smile: Hope you're feeling good soon! @harringtona1- All of those suggestions resonate with me at times. I just need to look at the list before I decide to eat my…
  • @pampered- great job stopping yourself from going overboard yesterday. It's so easy to just respond in a habitual way to our stress. I have been reading about habit formation and your question about what to do at that moment at your desk, definitely seems key. We can't fully control the stress and we are ultimately looking…