Daily check in for support and accountability



  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @harringtona1 - sounds like a really nice visit with your daughter. Enjoy that watermelon.

    @Veta2018 - you seem to have some great motivation and enthusiasm. It is a nice feeling when you know that you're taking care of yourself.

    I continue to inch my way back and I'm getting closer to my daily calorie goal. I need to get back to planning and have easy and quick meals ready to go. When it starts to get late and I'm tired, we will often get take out or eat out. It's better for me not to be in this situation but I am getting better at improving my food choices.

    One of the things that I find the most helpful is to not have snack food in the house. If it's not in my surroundings I don't eat it! Seems obvious but these foods seem to slowly creep in for one reason or another and then I find myself eating a few hundred calories over on a regular basis. I just have to stay focused when I grocery shop and avoid the bakery section and snack aisles.

    Have a great day!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @dogwalker157 - Don’t overwhelm yourself. You can do this. I was having a challenge eating out too. I found this article helpful: https://blog.myfitnesspal.com/the-ultimate-guide-to-cutting-calories-when-eating-out/

    September 26, 2023
    Today, I started my day with a 30 minute workout of alternating between 30 sec. intense exercise and 15 sec. moderate moves. I'll eat a good breakfast. Then, I will need to plan my meals and make my grocery list.

    💪"The hard days are what make you stronger." - Aly Raisman💪
  • roan4wrd
    roan4wrd Posts: 9 Member
    Weight today 174.6 - feeling progress; didn't follow my planned diet yesterday nor did I drink the water that I should. Back on the better trajectory today though! Fasted 15 hours, healthy lunch, 1 hour walk and a good visit with friends I hadn't seen in a while - Always a good thing! Now for a productive afternoon and determination to keep to the meal plan. It is encouraging to be down 5.4 lbs!

    "Sometimes a cheerful earful is the best boost to keep you on track." me!
    Thankful for friends who check in with a smile!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @roan4wrd - congratulations on the 5.4 lbs. lose. 😁
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 27, 2023

    Good morning,
    I have a couple new recipes planned for this week. I feel like changing it up a little and try something new. I'm having a 1/2 cup of oatmeal with blueberries and walnuts. I'm working towards low carbs but I felt like this would be a good add to get the benifits of whole-grain, high-fiber. I read this is beneficial to rebuild muscle after a workout. As I lose the weight, I want to be losing fat not muscle. Also, I'm a little sore from yesterdays workout, so I'm going to take it easy today, and go back to doing a beginners pilates.

    ☺ Life has it's ups and downs, we call them squats ☺
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 28, 2023

    Good morning,

    I preloged my food for the day staying within my daily goals. Changing things up a little, I completed a 45 minute fusion of Yoga and Pilates. I'm drinking plenty of water. I reduced my caffeine to one small cup of coffee in the morning. No more unsweetened ice tea throughout the day.

    I love this time of year, observing all the leaves change into many colors, that'll create a beautiful landscape. I enjoy sitting outside and observing the night's sky on a cool night in front of a bon fire. I like being outside and breath in the fresh air, feel the wind on my face, and take in all nature has to offer.....Life is good.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 29, 2023

    Good morning!
    I got on the scale this morning. I've lost another pound this week. That is a total of 12 lbs. I'm logging my foods and drinks, drink water, posting my daily check-in, and exercising five days a week. I've educated myself about losing weight and strategies to keep it off. As I put what I learn into action, I'm obtaining a slow but steady weight loss. I feel like I'm making great progress.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Congrats veta!!!!
    And congrats to dogwalker as well for the progress. That's what it's all about: sustainable stuff. I think the slower I move, the longer the habits stick.

    Oops late as usual with my Wednesday weigh in
    SW 234
    CW 186
    GW 150
    I've been in a plateau for a few weeks. I know I can increase the Wegovy dosage, but I'd like to start moving away from the meds. Constant constipation is wreaking havoc with my body. I won't get detailed lol. But with that and a little bloating and queasiness, I'm uncomfortable often. Don't even want to eat. I'm eating calories few enough to lose, and yet...
    So I'm focusing on recreating the exercise habits I had before the summer heat hit. Hubby and I started walking again. I'm rowing during webinars. And I've got my weekly Pilates, which is really fun. I don't want to go overboard because I only want to implement what I can continue for years. I'll have to take a good look at food habits.during this time. Not gonna change, but want to see what good things I'm already doing that I can put in the forever list.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 30, 2023

    This will be my last post here. It's been a great month. Thank you to all who have shared their experiences with me and gave me tips or advice. Your support has been helpful and is appreciated. I found a wounderful group of people! I'm learning a lot, as I read about everyones daily expereinces, stratigies, and tips. They all make me feel like family. You're welcome to add me as a friend to continue this journey with me or you can find me here, in my new group.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,652 Member
    Hey all! I know I've been pretty silent for the past 2 months or so. A lot has been going on but if I don't get my butt in gear, it's going to be bad. I hit my lowest weight ever this past spring. Now I've put 25 lbs back on already. So many excuses followed by so many legit emergencies..... it just hasn't been pretty.

    I did get back to my Zumba class yesterday and I'm starting with logging accurately again. Hopefully, I can force myself to stick to it and remember it wasn't so hard once I was willing to put the effort in again. I just let myself get in a funk that backtracked me a lot.
  • ggerics
    ggerics Posts: 7 Member
    I have been a member for nearly 2 months, and I don't usually post. I have done extremely well by changing my diet completely and forcing myself to work out daily. But I do agree that checking in helps. I weigh myself daily, and I work out harder if I eat more than my allotted calories. I am down 29 lbs. in 47 days. I can't keep up this rate of loss, and I know that now, as it gets harder to lose, I will need the support

    I started this weight loss because I had blood tests which showed a triglyceride level so high, they couldn't assess my bad cholesterol. My current diet has no pasta, no bread, and no red meat. I am vegetarian three days/week.

    All in all, I am very pleased, although I have twice had 6-day plateaus--in spite of my rapid weight loss. I do hope to continue to get in shape, and my overall goal is to lose another 25 lbs by February.

    I wish you all great success, and I hope you all continue to support each other in whatever way(s) possible. Just writing this will incent me to get back on the treadmill a second time today!!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I just got back from Switzerland. My husband and I were there visiting our son for five days. I am feeling re-energized to tackle my health. We didn't see any obese people there. We did see many people jogging and riding their bikes and walking, of course.

    My knee is still sore, but I can walk. A couple of days in Switzerland I hit 20K steps. I have an appointment at a knee clinic on Wednesday so we will see what they say.

    I logged my food yesterday and was under my budget (even with some Swiss chocolates). I went for a 39 minute walk with my husband and reached 14K steps. I requested to join the upcoming Harry Potter Challenge. I am down a pound from yesterday.

    Day 1 in the books.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Not sure folks are still using this thread but I'm going to post just the same. I've been totally off the grid with lots of other issues going on. I had this plan to really start taking care of myself and my well being but then everything went south. My 91 year old father fell and broke his hip which led to a domino effect of sorts. I've also been dealing with other issues- all that I have put before my own health. All of the stress and running around has caught up to me and I got sick myself.

    This has led me to realize how important my plan to take care of myself is. So starting today I'm getting back to it. It's not about losing weight, although that certainly would be nice, but about taking care of my overall wellness. Reducing stress, setting aside time for myself including taking time to prepare meals and getting regular exercise. Lately, I've lived off of take out food and other processed food. I want to stop these behaviors, as I know they are only hurting me.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @dogwalker157 Sorry to hear about your dad. My then 87 year old father broke his hip last December, so I know what you are going through. Not hip related, but he had six appointments in September and I take him to them all. I live an hour away from him and he is, on average a half hour from every appointment! I know that this is part of the reason I fell off the wagon last month. Good for you to recognize the importance of self-care, not just for you, but also for your ability to help him!

    Yesterday I got into the Swiss chocolate. Today is a new day...
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @HASWLRS - thank you and I hope your father is doing well now. This is a lot more of a challenge on these older folks. It's amazing how fast we can throw all of our plans and goals to the side when dealing with stressful and demanding situations. It still surprises me how fast I turn to comfort food when dealing with this stuff. I guess I should realize this is a lifetime of habit and coping skills, despite knowing that these behaviors only add to the problem. Learning to take care of myself and not feeling guilty about doesn't come natural but I'm sure it's worth it.

    I overdid the pasta yesterday but refocusing today.
  • Hi my name is Marjorie, I'm 62 years old I recently lost weight but I'm now regaining what I lost. I would like to weigh in and post weekly. What is the most popular day to weigh in and post? I'm from Scotland.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @marjoriedempster3 Way back when this thread started, Weigh-In Wednesday was discussed, but it is largely a non-structured thread, so whatever and whenever you want to post is fine. (I am not sure how many sets of eyes are even following this thread. Myself, I am very sporadic). I am trying to get my head back in the game, but it has been removed from the game for so long, that I think I forgot the rules! I do need to do this, though. I have a small tear in my left meniscus, and the single most effective thing I can do to help with the pain and mobility is to lose weight. I am supposed to start physio, but honestly, with all this extra weight, how effective can physio really be?
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Welcome Marjorie

    @HASWLRS- I'm right there with you with my sporadic posts and logging. I guess we just keep coming back and that is half the battle. I think keeping our reasons for wanting this front and center in our minds is helpful. When I'm not thinking about the why it just doesn't seem as important.

    I started logging again today and plan to keep logging despite what the number is at the end of the day.

    Have a good day All
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Welcome Marjorie

    @HASWLRS- I'm right there with you with my sporadic posts and logging. I guess we just keep coming back and that is half the battle. I think keeping our reasons for wanting this front and center in our minds is helpful. When I'm not thinking about the why it just doesn't seem as important.

    I started logging again today and plan to keep logging despite what the number is at the end of the day.

    Have a good day All

    Yep, "fake it 'til you make it" is actually my motto. As long as I keep coming back I have a chance to succeed. If I go away forever, then success is not an option anymore. I logged my food yesterday and stayed under, but I was hungry! I need to make some different food choices and/or move more to increase my calorie budget. Good luck with the logging today.
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    How was everyone's Halloween? We had some flurries around dinner time, but they didn't last. Nothing on the ground. I wasn't sure how many kids we were going to get as I didn't give out candy last year and this year was colder than it has been in a long time on the 31st. I had a group of 7 come at 8 pm and that left me with only 3 in the bowl, so I turned out the lights after 24 kids. Next year I will aim for maybe 35. I ate two bars and was still under my calorie goal, thanks to an active day that included an uncomfortable walk because of my knee.

    Seeing as it is Wednesday (Weigh-In Wednesday) and the 1st of a new month, I weighed 205.2 this morning. Let's see if I can get back to Onederland by the 30th!
  • smoran98
    smoran98 Posts: 41 Member
    edited November 2023
    Hi there!

    Room for one more?

    I’m Susan M ( hi to the others Susan s!)

    I’m 57 years old and just reactivated my fitness pal. My highest ever weight was 267. I went down to 144 on Ideal Protein Diet and by improving my sleep hygiene.

    Over the past few years I have slowly gained 42 pounds! Yikes! Mostly during the pandemic with limited food options, the gym being closed, and drinking too much wine to make me feel better~ which didn’t work 😂. Well, I worked at the moment! But, didn’t really solve any problems., lol.

    Since then, I injured my back and hip in a bad fall. Making me much more sedentary that I would like.

    I have made a renewed commitment to get more exercise, manage my diet, and stay accountable. I am starting a new water aerobics class this morning.. urgh.

    I would love to get in on this group, and during the Wednesday way in as well.

    Great to have read your stories here

    Thank you!

  • smoran98
    smoran98 Posts: 41 Member
    @HASWLRS CONGRATS for staying under your calorie goal yesterday and yet allowing yourself to enjoy a treat! 🎃
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @smoran98 Thanks, and welcome! Maybe we'll get a few more bodies now that it is the beginning of a new month, but this thread is actually pretty dormant. Myself, I come and go quite frequently, unfortunately!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Thought I would reintroduce myself for any newcomers....

    Hi, I am Lisa. I am 57 years old, 5'5" tall and I live in Ontario, Canada. I am married with two grown sons. One son lives in town here with his girlfriend, and the other is single and lives in Zurich, Switzerland. We just came back from visiting him and it was inspiring, to say the least. We did not see any obese people! We did see many people jogging during their lunch hours, riding bikes and walking, of course!

    We have a family farm supply business that I work very, very part time at, filing invoices and stuffing and mailing monthly customer statements. I damaged my knee at the end of May and by the end of June I had given up. However, losing weight would be the single greatest thing I could do to help my knees, my feet, and any other body part that is screaming at me at any given moment!!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    How was everyone's Halloween? We had some flurries around dinner time, but they didn't last. Nothing on the ground. I wasn't sure how many kids we were going to get as I didn't give out candy last year and this year was colder than it has been in a long time on the 31st. I had a group of 7 come at 8 pm and that left me with only 3 in the bowl, so I turned out the lights after 24 kids. Next year I will aim for maybe 35. I ate two bars and was still under my calorie goal, thanks to an active day that included an uncomfortable walk because of my knee.

    Seeing as it is Wednesday (Weigh-In Wednesday) and the 1st of a new month, I weighed 205.2 this morning. Let's see if I can get back to Onederland by the 30th!

    I wanted to add that 212 is my highest weight ever, so even though I have been attempting to lose weight for a while now, I am still at the beginning of my journey! I crossed over into the 200's sometime in 2022. I never thought I would allow myself to do that, but lo and behold...I did!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I am sitting here, feeling a little sorry for myself. I have logged my food and stayed under for four days in a row and I have gained two pounds. Correction, the scale reads two pounds heavier; I haven't gained two pounds of fat. I was told I have a slight tear in my meniscus early in the week. When I googled it, I learned that most tears heal up in about three months. I am now starting my sixth month. So, physiotherapy and probably surgery are in my near future. Normally the "feeling sorry for myself" phase leads to bingeing. (I don't think bingeing is a word, because my computer underlines it all the time, but it definitely should be!) Thankfully I don't feel like doing that. I feel like doing nothing, except moping. I have file folders to make for the next fiscal year at work, so at least I can mope and complete a mindless task at my dining room table at the same time!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    Well, I got into the chips last night, so I am up half a pound on the scales this morning, which is to be expected. But every time I decide to throw my calorie budget out the window and eat chips in the evening, I forget how it affects my sleep. I ALWAYS have a restless sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, very thirsty, and have a hard time falling back to sleep. A good night's sleep is WAY more desirable than some stupid chips....so why do I always forget that part of the equation??
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,

    Welcome Susan it's nice to have new folks re-energize this thread.
    Great idea Lisa- I will also reintroduce myself. I'm Dianne from Massachusetts, U.S. I'm 58 and have had some overeating issues for most of my life. I'm fairly active, which helps but I'm still overweight. Over the last few years I have gone up and down 10 lbs. Prior to that I lost about 45 lbs. and really felt good. It was nice to put on clothes and not have things feel too tight or only choose clothes that were more "flattering."

    At this point my concern is more about getting and maintaining good health and well being. I want to be able to move around and do the things that I enjoy. I know that now is the time to focus on these goals as I enter older ages.

    @Lisa- I totally understand eating the chips and then having poor quality sleep (though I tend to overdo the sweets). After such an incident I think to myself- not again, I don't like the way I feel. Unfortunately I don't remember this after some time passes.

    Last winter/spring I was on a roll and logged everyday for about 4 months. I dropped about 17 lbs. and was not overly strict with myself. I wasn't giving the scale much attention but rather focused on good choices and working on my overall health and wellness. Well summer came and I got very busy and let things slowly slide back to old habits. Each time I try to regroup I seem to have another distraction that takes my attention. These issues usually come with added stress and I return to old habits of eating quick and less healthy foods.

    So today I am once again regrouping. I need to focus on my health before putting everyone else's needs ahead. I will not be any good for anyone including myself if I don't do this. I'm going to start by logging every day. This really helps me stay aware of what I'm eating. I have found this to be one of the most important things for me to do.

    Have a great day All!

    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    @dogwalker157 Logging really is key. I have been logging daily since last Sunday (the 29th) and I have dropped almost 6 pounds. Yes, I realize that being the first week it is mostly water, but it definitely keeps one engaged in the process with that sort of success. The trick is to keep at it when the weekly weight loss is only* a pound or it stalls out, or worse, a gain. I have been weighing daily, and the fluctuations can be disheartening, but as long as the overall trend is downward, then all is good. One just has to be patient, sometimes, to see this trend. Trust the process, especially if you know you are doing all the right things. I, too, need to lose the weight for health reasons, specifically, the health of my knees. Our son lives in Switzerland, and I would love to be able to do some real mountain hikes when we go visit him. The cute clothes will be a bonus!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 8,001 Member
    I fell off the wagon and into some carbs....many, many carbs. There were a few factors. Since I can identify them, I can work on them! Not enough steps to generate enough calories to make me feel satisfied, so I was already over by 6 pm and still hungry. Part of that was that I didn't have the right groceries in the house so I had consumed some empty calories. And Tuesday night is when my husband curls, so I have got to come up with a plan for being home alone in the evening!