Daily check in for support and accountability



  • Agefyter18
    Agefyter18 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all! I don't need to lose a lot of wt but I do need to lose some, as well as eat HEALTHIER. I'm 61, retired 4 yrs now and enjoying life and travel. I LOVE good food. Not a dessert eater or snacker but wine replaces that. I've been away from MFP for a yr or 2 but jump back when I need to reset and be accountable.

    I don't post in Community hardly but I'm saving this thread. Y'all seem nice and compatible.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 9, 2023

    Good morning!
    Yesterday went well. I met my calorie and other nutrition goals for the day. Pre-logging was very helpful in making that happen. I did however, have a challenge resisting to binge eat, later that night. I tried to replace my desire to eat with a bottle of water. I need to have a supply of high protein snacks on hand. Something like shrimp would work nice.

    "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." - Jenna Wolfe
  • Hello! I'm really trying to get back on track and downloaded MFP. I've used it before but got lazy with it and eventually stopped using it. My highest weight was 248. I lost 48lbs by counting calories and regular exercise. But at the start of this year I slacked off due to stress. I'm up to 217.5 now. I'm really wanting to get back into healthy eating and get some of this weight off.

    Highest Weight: 248
    Starting Weight: 217.5
    Current Weight: 217.5
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 864 Member
    edited September 2023
    Wednesday weigh in
    HW 234
    CW 191, also last week
    GW 159

    Yikes. I wrote a whole draft and gone gone gone.

    I've been slacking unmotivated for months. I don't eat much and have managed to stay in Onederland (I can't remember who said that in here :smile:). But now that hubby got his clearance from surgery to swim and do whatever, I'm jumping in there too. I need structure to exist well. And hubby in recovery just wasn't giving me that. I wanted to be flexible for whatever he needed and not do stuff he couldn't and blah blah blah. It was only 6 weeks. But now I've lost any aerobic fitness I had. Tomorrow...we swim!

    By the way, anyone ever try Pilates? I'm thinking that might be a nice low impact strength thing. I'm interested if anyone has an experience to share.

    Happy to hear about your walks! They're so nice for communicating... Getting fresh air... Just good for lots of stuff. As long as doctor says you're good, why not?! Come on walking weather!

    I’ve done Pilates a few times and liked it more than any other thing I’ve tried (cycling, yoga, barre, orange theory, etc) but the reason I’m responding is because a very dear friend of mine has been a Pilates instructor for years and she looks INCREDIBLE!!! She has curves and muscles and she’s incredibly agile. I highly recommend giving it a shot. I’m inspired now 🤭.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning All
    Nice to see all the new folks who share similar goals.
    I'm trying to get back to making better choices and with the summer nearing an end this might be easier. I've managed to log for the last few days and am slowly getting within reach of my calorie goal.

    @ddsb1111 - I've wanted to try pilates but thought it seemed too challenging. Maybe I should at least give it a try!

    Have a good day!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 10, 2023

    Good morning!
    And that it is! God bless this day, and I thank him, for all the strength and will-power he has given me, to progress through this journey, I am on. May he provide you with strength to get through whatever challenge you may be going through in your life.

    My husband and I attended a wedding last night. I'm proud of myself. I resisted temptation and ate meat and veggies. Got some good exercise in dancing too. A little sore today...hehehe. I used to do pilates. I enjoyed it, after I built up some strength, and flexibility. I think it's something I'd like to start doing again. Thanks for discussing it. I'll keep you up on my progress and any tips I remember along the way.

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 11, 2023

    It's the end of the season for my garden. It's been a nice go-to for eating healthy. I gathered the final zucchini, squash, cucumbers and peppers. I'll be having pumpkin seeds and brussel sprouts soon. I had way to many tomatoes. Made Pico de Gallo, tomato sauce, roasted tomatoes and add them to many meals. I enjoy gardening, it's like my sanctuary.

    ♥️ Remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11 and my thoughts go out to their friends and family today. ♥️
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 12, 2023

    Hi, I weighed in at 174. That's a 3 lbs loss a week. I'm comfortable with that. However, I am feeling moody, sad, and kind of irritable today. I didn't want to get out of bed. I just wanted to stay in bed all day, but my food alarm went off. I have an alarm set to eat every 3 hours. So I got up to eat and start my day. I hope it gets better. Also, I hope everyone is making progress. I haven't seen any action here in a few days. If you've fallen off track, get up get moving. It's a new day and another chance to get it right.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 13, 2023

    Good morning!
    My mood improved yesterday, after 25 min. of beginner's pilates and a healthy meal. I've also decided to add exercise to my plan. It wasn't as painful as I led myself to believe.

    "Just believe in yourself. Even if you don't, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will." - Venus Williams
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    @Veta2018 - Nice 3 lb loss and exercising to improve mood. It's so easy for me to do the opposite when I feel like that and end up eating instead. This thread ebbs and flows with activity. It seems to go quiet for awhile and then folks jump back on.

    I'm slowly getting back in to the routine of logging but still coming in over on most days. My plan for today is to log and stay within my calorie limit. It's a rainy day and not much planned so that can be a challenge.

    Have a great day All
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Yikes- I just logged yesterday's calories and continue to be well over my target goal. I have lost my focus and reason for wanting to eat healthier. I know that it was really helpful to focus on improving my health versus just losing weight. Today I am going to try to get back to that focus and make good food choices and get some exercise and physical activity in.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @dogwalker157 - Thank you for the encouraging words. It has been helpful for me, to plan my meals for the day, and prelog my food, so I know I'm within my daily goals. Also, whenever I have temptations, the first thing I do is drink water. I believe a lot of my success is because it's still new, fresh, I'm still learning, and determined. Keep the determination and focus on small goals. You can do this! Look back on your past success as inspiration.

    September 14, 2023

    Hello, I am staying within my food goals and still drinking plenty of water.(76oz.) Although,
    It did get a little tricky, when I had an unexpected guest come and take me out for lunch. After, I preloged my food for the day, it was a challenge to decide what to eat, on the spot, and still stay within my food goals for the day. I did have a few more carbs then I would have liked though. Also, I increased my workout by 5 minutes, now doing a 30 minute workout. "If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." - Jenna Wolfe.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning,
    I got a nice 4 mile walk yesterday. I did go over my calorie budget but it came down some from the last several days so that's a bit of improvement. I logged everything which is also another step in the right direction. I am going to try to focus on the positive things that I am accomplishing. Focusing on the negative is never very helpful for me.
    My goal today is making better food choices. I know that if I use a lot of my daily calories on high calorie snack food, I will still be hungry and end up over eating.

    @Veta2018 - nice job staying focused on your goals even with the last minute lunch out. Those are the times that really challenge us. Being able to make good choices during these unexpected and fun events is a big win!

    Have a nice day All
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @dogwalker157 - You're doing great! Keep burning those calories and focusing on the positive.

    September 15, 2023

    This morning I wanted to change my exercise routine and try something different. I tried this intense boxing workout. It's very fun but it is too much for me at this time. I could only do 10 minutes of the 18 minute workout. I was out of breath and wheezing. I took a couple minutes to catch my breath and finished with 3 minutes of stretching. I don't want to get cramps or hurt too bad later. I'll continue with the beginner workouts for now, but will definitely do this again in th future.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 16, 2023

    Good morning!
    I'm making good food choices and even added exercise to my weight loss plan this week. I finally bought a scale! I weighed in at 170 lbs. That's 10 lbs. in 3 weeks.

    "Most people give up right before the big break comes — don’t let that person be you."-Michael Boyle
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Monday,
    Lots of exercise this weekend but not much logging. Will refocus today and make some good food choices. It is definitely one day at a time for me at the moment.
    Have a good day!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 17, 2023

    Yesterday was a busy day, my step-dad passed away. Therefore, I spent the day helping my mom plan the arrangements and look through old pictures. The time seemed to pass by quickly. As a result, I didn't eat enough calories. I snacked on baggies of veggies and nuts, most of the day, but didn't really eat a good meal. I need to stick to my routine and establishing healthy eating habits. It's so easy to fall back into old habits. 💪I can do this and so can you!💪
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Loving @veta2018 and @dogwalker157 to give me something to read. Although I'm sorry that part of it is your loss, veta. I have an amazing step-father who's slipped away from me since my mother died. I keep trying to reach out, but it's not going well. No fighting. Just..I dunno what it is. But this reminded me not to give up on him. Prayers for your family.
    On the happy side, you're in the zone of making your weekly goal. I thought 4 pounds per week at your weight was ambitious. Butt I shut up once I saw what you're up to! You mind sharing your plans? I'm trying to get to something a little more structured now that the easy weight is done. My sister, too.
    And @dogwalker157 it sounds like the logging is going exactly right. You log. Then you take notice. As things fall into place. I'm on and off.But I'm adding more logging every day. I remind myself you're trying too I feel like I have help that way.
    Wednesday weigh in was 189. SW 234. GW 150ish by end of year. But for those of you who don't know, I'm cheating using Wegovy. It has its own challenges to be sure. But it's helped keep me in a steady track for months. No major rebounds.
    Sadly I already took my Ambien. So this is gonna get sloppy.
    Real quick Pilates was really nice. I have a personal trainer until I get good, a few more sessions. But I have several of the work out habits from years past. I recommend for all fitness levels.
    Golf is coming back in cool weather.
    And I'm taking sister to Hilton head health in October for 3 night healthy getaway. I really recommend it if you can find the money. It's a major jumpstart but no pressure in a nice location. They have a sweepstakes if you're interested. https://sweeppromo.com/fbsweeps/confirmation/HiltonHeadHealthRenewRetreatSweeps/13973525
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 19, 2023

    I must have been distracted yesterday, I logged my food diary but forgot to write my check-in. I also, over ate. I don't know why I didn't stop at 1 serving and istead ate till I was full. I was only over on my calorie goal by 21 and carbs goal by 25. It's not really about the numbers. It's the behavior that disappoints me.

    💪"Nobody is perfect, so get over the fear of being or doing everything perfectly. Besides, perfect is boring." - Jillian Michaels 💪

    @dogwalker157 - You're doing great!

    @harringtona1 - Thank you for the warm thoughts and prayers. I think it is wounderful that you still want a relationship with your step-father. I hope you continue to reach out. Even if he doesn't respond. I believe it is a way to say, he's in your thoughts and you hope he's doing well. I also, appreciate your encouragement in my weight loss plan. Way to go! You have been successful in your weight loss journey too.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 20, 2023

    Good morning.
    I had another successful day eating healthy and I completed a light workout too. Then, my husband was looking through the kitchen for something to snack on. I suggested nuts. He said "I don't want to eat like you."....lol. However, he is eating many foods like me and just doesn't realize it. He ended up eating the nuts. I'm bad, because part of me is glad he's not eating like me. I just know if he did, he'd lose weight faster than me and I'd be jealous.
  • Letera1
    Letera1 Posts: 7 Member
    So since I started I have been up n down on weight because taking weekend trips to see family n friends. I got sick before last weekend trip but now I am back. I have logged the last 2days n am back on track. I did a walk at lunch yesterday. Going again today n getting a salad for lunch again today. I have really enjoyed myfitnesspal to see where I am with micros. Making me aware. Loving it.
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    @Letera1 - I enjoy using Mfp too. Have you read any of the blogs? I recently read:
    It provides information on unhealthy habits that can wreck your healthy eating plan.
    I really love the information I'm getting from these Mfp blogs.

    September 21, 2023

    Good morning!
    Talking about blogs. I also found some tips on good food choices while eating out.
    It's something I've found a challenge recently, since most fast food places have eliminated the grilled chicken sandwich or salad options. I also decided that if we're eat out, I'm better off going to sit down restaurants than fast food. They provide more healthy food options.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Wednesday weigh in
    SW 234
    CW 186
    GW 150 ish

    Yikes. Sorry for that long post earlier. I have to put this phone away if I take a sleeping pill. At least i don't have any exes to text!

    It's going good. I got past a weeks-long plateau keeping me around 190. Really enjoying the Pilates training. The weather allows for occasional walks.

    My challenge lately is I'm having trouble liking food. I eat. Don't get me wrong. But I don't enjoy any it and have trouble thinking of something I want to eat when it's time for lunch or dinner. So today I started a list of things I have liked in the past. Hopefully hubby can help. He's generally easy to please and stays healthy. I'm gonna try leaning on him a little.

    Keep it up all!! Go go go!!

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    edited September 2023
    September 22, 2023

    Good morning!
    Today is weigh-in day. I weighed in at 169 lbs. That's a 1lb. loss. I recently bought a scale, but I don't think my scale is right. It fluctuates my weight too much. I feel lighter and my clothes don't feel as tight. So, I need to weigh myself at my mother-in-laws again. I'm happy, I'm moving in the right direction. *ugh...Aunt flow is visiting.

    @harringtona1 - It was starting to feel like I was eating the same foods everyday...boring. So, I looked up some new recipes. I'm still eating the same healthy foods, but they mixed differently with different seasoning and become a new delicious flavor.
  • dogwalker157
    dogwalker157 Posts: 100 Member
    Wow- great success on the weight loss Veta and Harrington! I wish I could say that I had the same issue with not liking food. These days I seem to be on the opposite end of the spectrum.

    I continue to log in and am over my daily calorie budget. I'm just going to keep plugging away. I know that I'm going to get back on track! Have a great day!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 23, 2023

    Good morning.
    Today is the first day of fall. I'm going to do a fall cleaning. Clean out my fridge and cabinets of old unhealthy foods. Putting a few of my husband's sweets and not so healthy foods on the top shelf. They will be out of my site and reach.(I'm 5ft)
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    Veta - I do that with hubby's snacks too. Top shelf of a little cabinet I don't use. So I never have a reason to go in there. And then push them waaaay to the back with my old lady extension grabber thing. God I love that thing.

    Dogwalker - just keep logging. It is working on you. It's a keystone habit that will help you do other things. You know what pushed you over in a certain meal. And you learn what food has more calories than you knew. Eventually everything will start to fall into place.

    Today I learned I have a new habit which is that I don't care to eat all of a thing. I've been working on this while logging. And today it worked. We visited the daughter at college and she took us to every food place she could think of. After Korean bakery and cheese store and apple picking/cider donuts/roasted corn/you name it and Mexican for supper, I ended over my target but under 1400 calories. So the world didn't end. I bought everything I wanted (all of it!) which satisfied whatever urge I had to participate. I took a bite/sip or two or three to see what it tasted like and gave the rest to the family. I had the best time! I want to practice this so I'm really good on vacations too.

    But I still can't seem to care about exercise. I need it. I have that Pilates once per week. But really I need a lot more. Any tips for getting in the treadmill or weights when you absolutely do not want to?

  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 24, 2023

    Been spending the past few days with family, away from home. I packed my snacks and waters. I did great and watching what I ate. However, I found myself talking about how I was watching what I'm eating, a lot. I even asked some of my family what they eat. It's like I'm a little obsessed. It's all I think about. I'm not obsessed with the scale. It's planning what to eat, looking up recipes and preparing snacks and meals. I used to get hungry and look in the kitchen for something to eat, and not be able to decide, so just didn't eat. That might be one of the reasons why I didn't eat all day, and only ate dinner with husband and munch on junk food for the rest of the night. Now that I'm eating every 3 hours, I have snack ready. I look up recipes so my hard boiled egg becomes a deviled guacamole egg. I think about the future, and what my plan will be to maintain my weight after I've reached my goal.
  • harringtona1
    harringtona1 Posts: 86 Member
    @Veta2018 Good on ya! Usually I'm a don't-be-obsessive kind of girl. But in this case, you're prepping, letting family members get in on the new lifestyle, and getting used you a new way. Those things have to be done, so obsess away! If you can keep up that focus until these things become second nature you win. I loved this post :)

    I just got home from the daughter visit and am exhausted. Hubby had energy to go grocery shopping. He remembered watermelon. With watermelon by my side, I can conquer the week.

    Have a great week!
  • Veta2018
    Veta2018 Posts: 646 Member
    September 25, 2023

    I'm within my daily nutritional goals. I completed a 30 minute workout. I drinking plenty of water.
    As I think about all the weight loss plans out there, it can be difficult to decide what one would work best for me. (keto, paleo, mediterranean, fasting,...) so I sort of created my own. When I was a scout leader, I remember teaching the five basic food groups with the pyramid of daily recommend servings. I looked at it today. I couldn't imagine eating 6 to 8 servings of breads/grains. My pyramid looks more like this:
    The most impotent foods to me is a variety of vegetables and meats/fish. Then I eat some grains and fruits. I probably should include some diary in my diet. I'm watching my nutrition though, making sure to include the benifits of high protein, some carbs and fats, and avoiding unnecessary sugars.