strong_fit_ells Member


  • good morning Waistaways CW 242lbs not a big loss sadly but it is my totm. Have a lovely Wednesday all :smiley:
  • Good morning Waistaways 🥰 CW 242.5 lbs 🤦🤷 all I can say it's still TOTM 😢It really is so painful this time and I have a feeling I am on the "change". I'm 46 years old, I have mood swings quite often, the hot flushes too 😢 oh dear....
  • Sorry for the late weigh in CW 241.3lbs 😢 Can't seem to get the rhythm back, but also is time of the month, so hopefully I'll do better next time 😊
  • @jugar and @Evemakeschanges I am so truly sorry to hear about your loss 😢❤️
  • There was no woooosh this morning so I am afraid I have to record the lowest weight from weekend 😢 CW 239.0 lbs I will miss you, Liselyn 🥰 you have put up with so much from me that you deserve a medal 😂🥰 Your news feels like my favorite coworker leaving me 🙈 But thank you so much for all of you've done for us and I truly…
  • Oh Liselyn 😢😢😢 I'm speechless @jugar 😢😢😢 I'm going to miss you so much ❤️
  • Good morning from UK Waistaways :smiley: I hear you about snacking :wink: Last week I was very good and I made really good food choices. Because my weigh in day is Sunday - which also is my family day out day, I thought that will be my treat day, I promised my self I will eat what I want for that one day beacause I can…
  • Good morning all 🥰 PW 243.2 lbs CW 239.4 lbs New decade 😁 whoop! Whoop! Happy Sunday everyone 🎉🍀🎉
  • @ashleycarole86 sadly my steps up to Wednesday are 0 but *Wednesday 10 April 8,501steps *Thursday 11th April 19,010 steps *Friday 12th April 18,202 steps *Saturday 13th April 13,839 steps Thank you 😊
  • Happy Saturday Waistaways! I did have a fantastic week! I was good with my food choices, no alcohol at all and I am hoping that tomorrow's weigh in will take me back into new decade :smiley: I forgot to introduce you to my puppy :smiley: Here she is: on the left was the first day we've had her and on the right was…
  • Good afternoon Waistaways! I hope you are having lovely day. I did and update later but @ashleycarole86 I am sorry for my lack of steps. My fitbit was broken, I have new one now so so far no steps for me. Today is first day I am wearing my fitbit so can I start from today, please? Sorry to mess you about :heart:
  • Morning Team :smiley: I forgot I changed my weigh in to Sundays, sorry! It seems like I am just naturally late person :smiley: PW245lbs CW 243.2 lbs I am happy and lets hope it continues :blush:
  • @ashleycarole86 Can I rejoin step challenge, please? If I set it as 10,000 to start. Today will be 0 steps as my fitbit is charging at the moment :blush: Thank you so much :heart:
  • One more from me :smiley: Last month I posted that I bought a blootooth bathroom scale which will show different measurements as well. I am not sure how acurate it is, but it just might keep me motivated from now on. result for today is shocking! 57% Body Fat?? :neutral: @jugar 2 questions, please :smile: 1 Can I please…
  • Good afternoon Team! CW 245lbs :neutral: I am so ashamed this morning. I have put on a looot of weight. Mostly due to alcohol. March wasn't kind to me. I left the job that I liked thinking I will have better life and I did, but I missed the job. I missed feeling needed and helpful. I played with our puppy, spent time with…
  • Hi everyone 😊 CW 241.2lbs 🫣 This month is total write off for me 😢 First of all it's gone so quickly! I cannot believe soon will be end of March! How's that possible? 🤷 So much to catch up with 🥰 Have a lovely weekend everyone 🎉
  • Goid evening everyone 🥰 CW 239lbs 😢 I promise I will be back on track soon 🥰
  • Current Weight 240.6lbs 🫣 good morning Waistaways 🥰 Truly sorry I wasn't around lately and thank you for not kicking me off the Team ❤️ Leaving my school job, new puppy meant a lot of adjustments. I am back and ready to kick this fat to the kerb :-) Our new puppy Maxi is cute. She is half Siberian Husky and half german…
  • So sorry I'm late again 🫣 it is becoming a habit 😢 We got our new beautiful puppy and I promise I'll update soon. @jugar Liselyn CW 238.8lbs 😬
  • Good evening Waistaways 🥰 Today is first day I feel like a human being. Last week was horrendous. My TOTM started at weekend and I felt like someone hit me with a brick 😢 My belly was so painful, it felt like people are pulling me from all sides in diferent directions 😢 All I did was work and sleep. I feel better today and…
  • Good evening all! @jugar CW 238.2lbs quite surprised actually it is little gain. My TOTM 😢 @ashleycarole86 So sorry with late steps 😢 MONDAY 29TH JAN 13,657 TUESDAY 30TH JAN 17,891 WEDNESDAY 31TH JAN 18,375 THURSDAY 1ST FEBRUARY 19,780 FRIDAY 2ND FEBRUARY 13,105 SATURDAY 3RD FEBRUARY 14,437
  • @jugar sorry Liselyn for late weigh in :neutral: This week has been hectic and so much to catch up with :blush: CW 237.6lbs Have a lovely evening Waistaways :smiley:
  • @ashleycarole86 strangely I do remember our conversation about me feeling guilty because I had to do those steps due to my work and not because I wanted to do them. You were so kind to me then :blush: Thank you. I'm not sure why I feel the way I feel about these things. I feel I need to post the screenshot from my Fitbit…
  • Congratulations to us 🎉🎉🎉 My week has been strange. I was busy at work and busy taking my son back to uni after he finished 6 week break. It was sad day and we all ordered pizza in his halls /dorm. That derailed me a little for a couple of days after. Today day off and back to it tomorrow.... Also tomorrow I am thinking…
  • Good evening Waistaways :smiley: I've had a few busy days. Work was a little busy and I've had a such a big craving for wine! I promised myself that this feeling will pass and I am not going to cave in. It really almost drove me mad all day. I never buy and store alcohol at home unless I am going to drink it ... and even…
  • @jugar sorry for late weigh in, Liselyn PW 241lbs CW 238.2lbs @ashleycarole86 Sunday 21 January 10,114 Monday 22 January 21,744 Tuesday 23 January 16,590 Wednesday 24 January 17,906 So far so good :smiley:
  • Good evening from UK Waistaways :smile: @ashleycarole86 this is screenshot from my Fitbit for steps from last week and yesterday: :smiley:
  • Good evening Waistaways :smile: I did have a pretty good day today. Work was ok. I have 2 jobs at the moment. I'm a cook in hotel. January is quiet so I don't have to work many evenings for now. We only have a handful of customers most Fridays and Saturdays, or though this Saturday will be different. We have a staff party…
  • I bought myself a present - a turbo, that you connect a bike to and are able to ride indoors :D There's no excuse for me not to meet my step goal now. I'll use it like that until spring and warm weather outside. It was -7*C outside in my town. I know some of you will think its nothing 🤭I know your temperatures are like…
  • @MaddawgMadsen oh my god! What a beautiful house! 😍 Good luck and all my fingers and toes are crossed for you 😍 Can I please come and live with you? 🤣🤭