brittawyatt Member


  • @Antiopelle - A personal trainer I worked with once suggested this approach. It’s interesting psychologically what it does when you have to photograph before you eat - it’s helps me to take a breath to stop and decide… vs just mindless munching! Also the accountability of knowing I will share this with others. The…
  • Weekly checkin #2 - success with 3 or less days having alcohol - Overall success with weekly net calorie goal, however daily targets were less consistent leaving me feeling more hungry some days and overly full others - Protein macro was consistent with last week - 18% this week vs 17% last week, and total grams are nearly…
  • Weekly checkin #1! - success with 3 or less days alcohol free and within target calories for the week - Things I found hard was feeling snacky in evenings, or wanting seconds at dinner. I chose a smaller portions if I went back for seconds, and tried to pick healthy snacks or delay if I could - remembered to photograph…
  • —Why: I’ve been meaning to start a health kick for a while now, so, today it starts! Visiting friends in one month which will be a good target. —What: My goal is to lose the 5 pounds that have crept in gradually over the last year. Success will be: my yellow trousers no longer squeeze too tight in the waist. :smile: —How:…