Awesome April



  • Lazuliz
    Lazuliz Posts: 44 Member
    @SherryRueter I run almost every other day and I have a treadmill that can fit under my standing desk on non-running days :) How about you?

    Last week was out 5-year wedding anniversary, so we went out to a couple really nice restaurants. No surprise I lost almost nothing lol
    Macro counting is going ok.. I think it will become more intuitive as I continue. So far so good on my step counting goal, but I'm suddenly very bored with my weight-lifting routine. I started planning a few backpacking trips for this summer, so hopefully that will motivate me to get stronger!

    37, F, 5' 3"
    GW: 120
    SW 04/04/2023: 135.0
    4/11/23: 134.8
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @Lazuliz I have been working out daily for about 14 years. (I'm 52yr. time goes so quickly!) My best launching point started in 2010 with purchasing P90X & doing the nutrition plan. Hubby and I had definite increases in strength (newbie gains). And we kept with it until they released Insanity, so for 2-3 years we just did those programs on repeat.

    Now a days I still am with Beachbody (BODi) and continue to use their programs. Some I like, others I don't plan on doing. I also do stuff on my own and use Youtube (Caroline Girvan, 100% love).

    So, I do strength (Chest, Back, Arms, Legs) 4 Days and then cardio (Total body, Hiit, tabata) 3 days. And I have been trying to add in a Yoga 1/wk. Which was today. I did it before my Agility workout. My legs are dog tired! Tomorrow is Leg day.

    I can run, I just don't choose to as I would have to run alone and don't feel safe doing so.

    my best gains come when my nutrition is dialed in and I'm not over eating.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    I log in here to remind myself of what I am going to do today.
    I will eat on plan.
    I will eat when hungry.
    I will drink my water.
    I will drink my bone broth.

    Doing what I need to do
    will bring me closer
    will make me feel proud of myself.

    Goal for 4/14... 109-108.5 ...
    This morning, 108.4 Trending down
    because I did what I needed to do yesterday
    I need to do that again today.

    WORKOUT: Yoga 30min. and then HIIT/Agility. Tabata 30/10's
    Yesterday, around 19,000 steps (Two 45min trail walks helped!)

    Mindset ... I will listen to Mindset stuff today at work.

    Oh, and I stayed awake until 10pm last night. YAY!

    52 y.o., 5'0"
    SW (2/23): 112. ??
    GW: <101-104
    4/3: 110.0
    4/6: 108.4
    4/11: 110.0
    4/12: 108.6
    4/13: 108.4

    ** fcus on today and I can make that number lower again tomorrow. FOCUS. FOCUS. **
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    @SherryRueter I started using my husband’s Power90 videos in 2006. I went all the way through the program and loved the results. I didn’t ever try the nutrition part though. Back then I just counted calories. He upgraded to P90X a few years ago and liked it, but I haven’t tried it. I was going to the gym and doing circuit training until we moved this fall. I couldn’t get back into it here, so I started Power90 again about a month ago. I had thought P90X was more for body building, but looks like I was wrong. I think I’ll give it a try when I finish up this round of Power90.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @mandycat_florida : you are an inspiration madam! I can only hope that I will have the same mindset and stamina at your age ! :blush:

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    You all have a great weekend ladies !

    Here, the weather seems to be a little bit better, so hopefully it will be a lot of outside sports. I will need to make up a bit for two days of procrastinating.

  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @mandycat_florida Sweet Lord’a-mercy! I’m inspired and jealous! 😀

    @SherryRueter - great to hear you’re heading in the right direction. I’m at my lowest weight in years and feel good. Back on the road to MY house with my parents so feel motivated and disciplined to bypass the fast food. Can’t even say I’m tempted when I think about it.

    Quickly checking in today. Off to pack. ❤️
  • brittawyatt
    brittawyatt Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2023
    —Why: I’ve been meaning to start a health kick for a while now, so, today it starts! Visiting friends in one month which will be a good target.
    —What: My goal is to lose the 5 pounds that have crept in gradually over the last year. Success will be: my yellow trousers no longer squeeze too tight in the waist. :smile:
    —How: Drink alcohol 3 days or less per week. Count calories daily and get closer to protein macro targets (actually hitting it is impossible as a vegetarian but I’ll get closer). Take photos of all food before eating. Post daily checkin. (or weekly if that’s annoying :smiley: ) oh and actually buy groceries ahead of time!


    Weekly checkin #1!
    - success with 3 or less days alcohol free and within target calories for the week
    - Things I found hard was feeling snacky in evenings, or wanting seconds at dinner. I chose a smaller portions if I went back for seconds, and tried to pick healthy snacks or delay if I could
    - remembered to photograph most foods except coffees, one breakfast, and a plate of crackers and cheese
    - interestingly, even though I still didn’t hit my 20% protein macro target, I think just trying to be conscious of it meant I ate fewer carbs than I might, choosing lower carb calories and perhaps a bit more protein
    - Approx 1 lb lost but too soon to tell if that’s just water etc. Will check weight trend at the end of this next week and see if calorie targets need adjustment or are ok.
    - Overall: felt like I ate better quality calories and more veg, and felt good about the week :smile:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @brittawyatt: very interesting post, and it is great to see it all in pics, I think this is a real eye opener that I might do as well. Maybe just for one week, as it seems to be work intensive.
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    My stats for this week:

    * I got 72k steps in, which is good considering I stayed glued to the sofa to lick my wounds after the Easter family drama. As from Wednesday I dusted myself off and went for it again.
    * continue to read Becks flashcards: check
    * 2 fitness sessions: check
    * 1 PT session every 2 weeks: I did my very last session last Wednesday. It was a bit emotional as I spent almost 100 sessions with this therapist. I feel she wasn't just my physical therapist, but also a great sparring partner for ideas and general progress. I'll miss her, but I'll still see her as she also owns the gym part.
    * Lose a bit: from 73,3 (161 lbs) to 70,5 (156 lbs) : I am now at 72,2. I'm absolutely glad with this. Slowly - very slowly - but surely. And preparing for maintenance!
    * Biking and diving: I did one bike ride, coaching hubby during a long run - and two dives. Temperatures are stalling, we should have spring right now, but it still feels like winter. :disappointed:

    And to close off the stats on a fun fact: yesterday hubby and I went to the theater. It is very close to our home and relatively small but quite popular. Because it is in our hometown, we were able to buy VIP tickets (September last year) for the price of normal tickets, so we went for it. The surprise yesterday was that our king and queen and their kids ( were also there, just a few seats over. Now, I'm no royalist in the least as I don't think one should be governing a country just by birthright, but it still was somehow exciting. We both found it very strange that they were just mingling with 'normal' people, without too much security. Anyweez... today is just back to work, like anyone else :smile:
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    52 y.o., 5'0"
    SW (2/23): 112. ??
    GW: <101-104
    4/3: 110.0
    4/6: 108.4
    4/11: 110.0
    4/12: 108.6
    4/13: 108.4
    4/17: 108.4

    Trending okay this morning. Although after eating out 2x, I saw 110.0 again... SOOOO disrupting to my mind.
    Logged it in HAPPY SCALE.... and went on with doing the right thing.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @ceebeeslim I forget how old you are but I believe you are around the same height as I am ( 5'0" -5'1"). Because of your success with going lower in calories daily, I know that I can do it also and be successful.

    and Checking in here is very helpful for me as well. I love the help and non-judgement. I think a lot of people in my world don't understand why I would want to lose 3-5#
  • CeeBeeSlim
    CeeBeeSlim Posts: 1,330 Member
    @SherryRueter I’m 58 and between 5’2 and 5’3. For me - the lower calories have worked. I’m now in teens-land and already in my goal range / easier to think about a range than just a number. I want to be maintaining between 115-120 so aiming for about a 3-4 pound weight loss. I’ve also made better choices around what I’ve eaten as well but haven’t paid a lot of attention to macros as I should.

    My family has no filter so I’m the comments are fierce and frequent. I’ve learned to shake it all off.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,047 Member
    Been pretty crazy around here but staying on top of everything, not feeling too nuts yet! Glad I stepped up the self discipline when I did though!!
    Weight is hovering, lift gains are slowing. I think this and next week on my newbie plan, then I think I will switch up to a more intermediate lifting plan (got "Stronger by Science" so going to give that a try).
    Still battling my "golfer's elbow" aka tendonitis. I've been prone to tendonitis in that arm especially since my 20's but this just doesn't want to give up the ghost. Was seeming better, now getting worse again. Got a bunch of rehab type exercises to start doing though, so hopefully that'll help along with making sure I stretch it a lot more than I have been.
    44, F, 5' 7"
    GW: 128-135(ish - TBD)
    SW 01-2023: 157.6 - 3/29/23: 151.2
    4/3/23: 149.0
    4/10/23: 150.6
    4/17/23: 150.2
  • k8richly
    k8richly Posts: 268 Member
    Ladies, it's taken me 30mins to read all your amazing posts and catch up on your adventures in fitness! I'm so impressed with everyone's discipline!

    I'm sorry I've been AWOL. Some irritating injuries have slowed me down, which in turn makes me less motivated, ya know?
    And I've been so so so busy at work and they say sitting is the new smoking, so , well, that's not good news for me....! I really gotta get up and walk more during the day but i feel im always in meetings (in person or virtual). What are your tricks?

    Anyhoo, I'm here now, never stopped logging, and I haven't gained more than maybe a pound despite a few too many Easter eggs (and not the hard boiled ones). there's no time like the present so here I am:

    49, 5'3"
    CW 130
    GW 125 or maybe 120. Will know when I get there.

    Here's a quote for the day that sums up my last month: "you can't outrun a bad diet"
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Yey, @k8richly is back !!! I'm so glad you came back! And I totally understand what happened, luckily you caught yourself in time and didn't let it go on for two years like I did.

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @ceebeeslim 58. May I ask..... did it feel like you had a whole new set of rules once you turned 50?
    Oh my goodness... it seemed like on my birthday of 50yr I got a new rule book for my body. I mean I still exercised daily, watching food etc. but its like LOOKING at food is the same as eating it. And my lack of wanting to comply with the rules of dieting. Now that I'm typing this out, maybe my attitude when I hit 50 went into the "F** It" mode.

    Yesterday I lost my *kitten* and ate candy all day. Not even joking. It started by me weighing myself and seeing 109.5 I just couldn't handle it. I'm thinking of checking into binge recovery anonymous. I SO wish that were a thing. On the happy side... I should be rejoicing that in the past 26 days I have managed to lose 2... no 3 pounds. For a 5'0" lady ... thats a big deal! I've completely fallen off of the nutrition plan I paid my coach for. I should maybe restart that at day 1 again.... I didn't enjoy week 3's meals .... So I didn't cook them. I swapped all the veggies out for salad greens and all the protein out for Chicken breasts.

    I could rant for hours right now but I should go and work...

    Workout complete... Kickboxing! I located my Les Mills DVD's and did the 60min. combat dvd. SOOOO love that workout!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    @k8Richly Take 4-5 minute walks. Don't think of it as being a huge walk.
    Literally at 10am my husband takes a walk that is about 5minutes long. He does that roughly 5 times a day. Sneaking in 1 block before work. 2 blocks at lunch time. 1 block at 3pm. parking at the waaay far end of the parking lot so you have to walk. We even park at the BACK of the walmart parking lot so we have to walk further to go in and out of the store.

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    @ceebeeslim 58. May I ask..... did it feel like you had a whole new set of rules once you turned 50?
    Oh my goodness... it seemed like on my birthday of 50yr I got a new rule book for my body. I mean I still exercised daily, watching food etc. but its like LOOKING at food is the same as eating it. And my lack of wanting to comply with the rules of dieting. Now that I'm typing this out, maybe my attitude when I hit 50 went into the "F** It" mode.

    Yesterday I lost my *kitten* and ate candy all day. Not even joking. It started by me weighing myself and seeing 109.5 I just couldn't handle it. I'm thinking of checking into binge recovery anonymous. I SO wish that were a thing. On the happy side... I should be rejoicing that in the past 26 days I have managed to lose 2... no 3 pounds. For a 5'0" lady ... thats a big deal! I've completely fallen off of the nutrition plan I paid my coach for. I should maybe restart that at day 1 again.... I didn't enjoy week 3's meals .... So I didn't cook them. I swapped all the veggies out for salad greens and all the protein out for Chicken breasts.

    I could rant for hours right now but I should go and work...

    Workout complete... Kickboxing! I located my Les Mills DVD's and did the 60min. combat dvd. SOOOO love that workout!

    You’ve lost weight and you are still working out like a 20 year old. Cut yourself some slack and look at the positives. You still rock girl!! Forget the day binge, brush yourself off and up you go! 😘😘😘