Latitude27N Member


  • I was just reading in “Badass Habits” that it helps to have an idea in our minds of who that person is that wants these changes and to begin to identify with that person. This new person wants to be comfortable in a healthy, graceful body. If we keep the idea of our old self who is maybe comfortable with overeating to…
  • Greetings, It’s my first post here and I just started MFP. My job went from “very active” to “sedentary” and my weight shot up. I’m trying to scrape together a solution and have set a calorie and water goal. It’s a start. I’m 65 and live here on North Padre Island in the Gulf of Mexico with my 6 dogs, disabled husband, and…
  • I’m in the same spot at 65 and, after I left a very active job (12,000 to 14,000 steps) for a desk job, I put on 7 pounds. I have tried intermittent fasting and my doctor said it damaged my metabolism. She advised switching to more protein and a weight lifting regimen. I’ve only just begun so it’s early days and I don’t…
  • Found it in the phone app under Settings, thanks!
  • How to add an avatar please? I’m not finding the button! :neutral: