Ernest_Nigma Member


  • 17 minutes on an elliptical, regular 'first thing in the morning' routine. 45 minute group fitness class at the local YMCA later in the morning. An hour of dragon boat paddling practice in the evening.
  • I'd planned to go swimming yesterday, but procrastinated through the day, so it was later in the evening before I got there. Swim trunks weren't in the locker. I didn't think I'd taken them home but went home and checked anyway, no luck. Maybe I left them out somewhere? Back to the pool and asked at the desk if anyone had…
  • I can’t really comment on daily weighing as my scale only gets used once or twice a week, on no particular schedule. That’s only since starting MFP too, since I rarely looked at it before. Even in my youth, I knew my weight could vary wildly from one day to the next so I didn’t pay much attention. Until it’s started to…
  • Cycled to the pool on Saturday for 1500m but mostly just rested Sunday. 50 minutes on a treadmill this morning, running 4 minutes then 1 minute walking and repeat. Sort of a drill with a slow belt speed but I used a metronome app to maintain 180 steps per minute; almost running in place. Once I get back into better shape,…
  • A short early morning elliptical session, and an afternoon treadmill run. I tried the 3/1 minutes run/walk intervals again but cut it off at 50 minutes. That kept the HR from peaking as high as the previous 1 hour run and hopefully saved a bit more to run better again tomorrow.
  • Cycled to the pool, about 10 minutes each way, for 1250 m swimming. Donated plasma this afternoon so I'm taking it easy this evening so as not to spring a leak where they poked.
  • I did a short elliptical session early this morning and intended to run later. Busy day though and it was late evening before I got on the treadmill. Last week I tried the 4/1 run/walk intervals but it didn't bring the peak heart rate at the end of the run down by much so I tried 3 minutes running to 1 minute walking.…
  • I was in the pool this morning for 1850 scm, and then got on a treadmill this evening for 20 minutes easy running. I've been swimming in the ocean off of some of the Hawaiian islands and the west coast of Mexico, but not at dawn or dusk. As I understood it, that was when the sharks were most likely to hunt. For Hawaii I…
  • Out of touch over the weekend, out of town visiting a friend. At their request, I brought along some bicycles and spent an afternoon riding with the friend's grandchildren. Some large hills and a skate park were on the route. Afterward, I switched bikes and brought out an old tandem. The kids seemed to have an unending…
  • Daily early morning elliptical, still. Only 15 minutes or so while the coffee is brewing. I figure it replaces the exercise of walking a dog, without the clean up. :smiley: I tried the 4 minute run to 1 minute walk for 40 minutes on Wednesday. The heart rate recording traced a nice saw tooth pattern but stil trended up…
  • Catching up here. I do a regular short early morning elliptical. Extra elliptical work on Saturday but nothing else. A short bike ride on Sunday. 25 minute run outside, late in the evening on Monday. Today I rode the bike to the pool and back, swimming 1600m. Mostly front crawl but included 100 IM, 100 flutter kick…
  • Use the MFP app and this website to establish some targets and log your food. You don't need special diets, just make informed choices when you see the nutrition breakdowns of the food you eat. Combine a bit of weight loss with anything that uses your core and that should start tightening up the tummy. As mentioned above,…
  • I did get yesterday's planned run in. 45 minutes slow but probably not Z2. :smile: HR jumped to about 140 to start and then traced a slow steady climb to 170. Maybe I should try the run / walk intervals like @Djproulx describes. Swimming this afternoon, 1700scm, all front crawl. Pushed a bit for the last 100 and the watch…
  • What daily activity level did you specify when you were developing your calorie target? I had to adjust my estimation downward. Especially after starting to exercise more, I found that the time I wasn't exercising included more resting time. You could also try recalculating the calorie targets with a larger weekly weight…
  • I've been keeping up a regular short early morning elliptical session each day to get started and sometimes get on again for a bit watching tv in the evenings. After a longer 3 sport workout on Monday, there was just a short 15 minute treadmill run on Tuesday. Wednesday I was in the pool again for 1650m. A longer run is…
  • @j29t Sorry to read about your fall, but I like the comment about choices. That seems to be the main benifit from MFP for me, the information to make better choices. Using the app, I'm still gradually trimming some weight. And, in part due to the added info about calories burned by exercise, I've been rekindling a former…
  • I was holding off committing to anything until some actual training got done. This is a long way from race ready yet, but it's starting to look like training. So, yes, I'll probably start looking for some shorter nearby events for next year. I just have to get some consistent base work through the first part of the off…
  • I thought I would see if I was just kidding myself about getting back into triathlon, so I went to the gym this morning and linked three workouts, back to back. I wasn't pushing for speed at all, just going easy but steady. A half hour in the pool for 1300m, mostly 100s or 200s front crawl with rests but I mixed in a 100…
  • 15 minute elliptical first thing this morning but that was it. I went to a weekly club breakfast "meeting" which is usually mostly socializing. It starts quite early! The rest of the morning was a volunteer thing and the afternoon was a barbeque with the volunteer group. Calling it a rest day, though I was ready for a nap…
  • I've been slipping on reports here but have gotten back at it this week. The neck is still stiff but I was in swimming Tuesday and Thursday, rolling more to breath to limit the neck strain for now. Some short bike rides Tuesday and Wednesday. Today I rode the bike to the gym, and back after some machines and a 20 minute…
  • @tnh2o Using a snorkel is a great idea, thanks! I'll still have to keep working on neck flexibility to wean myself off of it eventually but for now it gets me back in the pool sooner.
  • I like a modified version of bicycles. I looked at video online that shows something more like a crunch but thats not what I mean. They were holding their hands by the head and trying to touch elbows to opposite knees. Instead of pulling the knees up so high, I focus on alternately extending each leg out straight as I…
  • @LolaGatto , @MaryZZZZ Good luck dealing with the physical issues. I'm still peeking in here now and then, and also currently dialing the activity back a bit. After a number of years away, I was trying to get back into the three triathlon sports but apparently I'm not as flexible as I used to be. Starting back swimming…
  • Checking in. I was taking it easy through the beginning of the week with just some of the usual every day short elliptical workouts. Swimming on Wednesday, 25m lanes, and I tried to add just a bit of intensity doing 10x100 on a regular interval. Still getting plenty of rest but pushing the swim pace a bit. Some other laps…
  • Early morning elliptical, yesterday and today. Then mid-morning yesterday to the pool for 1400m in 25m lanes, mostly front crawl but mixed in 100 kick and 100 IM. Then in the afternoon I rode the commuter bike again but only 21 minutes. This afternoon I went to the gym for 25 minutes on the treadmill, some more assisted…
  • When I tell my watch I'm swimmng at a pool it lists the length of the lanes. The pool has movable bulkheads so it's usually set up with 25m lanes but sometimes it's 50m. If I forget to reset the distance from 25 to 50, it still counts the lengths but thinks I'm reeeally slow and taking lots of strokes. :smiley:
  • You can take it to the next level and try running on the spot too. 0 mph should be the easiest you can possibly run, right? I did this a long time ago when trying to learn to run without increasing my heart rate on a watch above a set point. I found out later the set point was too low for me but I still made it work. If…
  • The gym is a great suggestion and some proper instruction would be worthwhile too. There are also lots of body weight exercises and cardio that can be done cheaply at or from home too. However, I still like my elliptical machine if you decide to get something for at home and have a place for it. It has a longer stride…
  • I was going to report today's work but it's turned into yesterday's work now. Elliptical in the morning. One side of my neck was stiff earlier, and I'm guessing it's from the recent return to swimming, so that was cancelled for today. Instead, the old commuter bike was dusted off, tires pumped, and taken for a 35minute…
  • I'm still doing 15 minutes or more on the elliiptical first thing each morning. It takes the place of walking a dog? :smile: I swam 1500 scm yesterday and ran 20 minutes on a treadmill today.