What Was Your Work Out Today?



  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    Woke with pretty bad back pain this morning so did a pilates routine followed by some yin yoga. Cycled halfway to work and by the time I got there it felt much better. There's a nasty dual carriageway on my route which is why I don't cycle the whole way as had a near miss there once before, so I get the train past that bit then hop off and onto the bike! Only 6 miles total so nothing crazy. I could cycle a slightly longer route but need to be more organised to get that in, maybe I'll aim for it one day next week.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    edited August 2023
    Upper body push day with a little legs thrown in. Been making steady progress doing the 1 working set to failure on each exercise.

    Standing OHP (1 rep max calculator has me over 200 lbs (225 being my PR on a never again actual 1RM) again on these. Stoked to get that strength back after a 9 year layoff)
    Chest Cable Flys (uppercut variation)
    Seated Cable Skull Crushers
    Standing dumbbell curls
    Leg Extentions
    Leg Curls

    Then I did a brisk walk for about 3 miles with about an 8 mph job for 0.6 miles of that (just to see if I could). Didn't wanna push it out in the 105* heat with the jogging. Jog felt good though.
  • Alcastive
    Alcastive Posts: 22 Member
    edited August 2023
    I tend to have 3 to 4hrs of activities a day, 5 days a week I start with a 90 mins weightlifting session (40 actual without rest) followed by 24 mins HIIT cardio (12 mins elliptical, 12 mins indoor cycling) after that I do 18 mins steam and 15 mins sauna followed by a cold shower for 10 mins, at the end I swim in cold water for 35 mins, this starts from morning till noon, at night and after I eat my last meal and start fasting I do a 45 mins normal walk or treadmill zone 2. today was legs / abs
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    Took it easy today…

    Treadmill walk…


    4.5 mph avg.. happy enough with the 5 miles..
  • Djproulx
    Djproulx Posts: 3,084 Member
    Took a bit of recovery after Sunday's race. Rest day on Monday, yesterday was just a strength workout with my trainer and a walk with my wife.

    I broke a spoke on my front wheel during the race. My bike guy will get the wheel repaired and back to me on Friday so I can ride this weekend.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    Went over to the gym to do an incline treadmill walk as the treadmill at home is broken. Started to get some hip pain after about half an hour so stopped after that. It was just a muscular thing- I get that when I run or do an incline walk for the first time after a break.

    Since I had extra time I did some ab work. Hanging leg raises, cable crunches and dragon flags.
  • laurachambers86
    laurachambers86 Posts: 152 Member
    edited August 2023
    Definitely still feeling my back flareup, best guess is the next month or so is going to be like this (rolls eyes) so I may adjust my plans and workouts with more focus on pilates for a couple of weeks and less focus on spin class and weights. That method helped in my last flareup so let's see if it helps now (I have SI joint dysfunction and facet joint syndrome).

    Did yin yoga first thing to stretch things out, short walk at lunchtime, and then a short gym session after work using just the machines, plus 15 minutes pilates at the end.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    Guess what, more rowing this morning: One of the guys volunteered to bow, bless him, so I got to be in 2 seat (engine room) in the quad and focus on my rowing technically as well as going at somewhat increased power. So fun! Tonight, supervised open rowing, but didn't row; just some boat carrying and walking around the place.
  • mrmota70
    mrmota70 Posts: 528 Member
    edited August 2023
    Native American hump day 10k


    Got it done before UV went into the red zone. 85 with 70% humidity sure as hell doesn’t feel like 85.

    Slow and steady jog.. 10:35 Avg.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    ... high rep squats are gross. :).

    One person's opinion, lol. Used to do all my squats for sets of 3-5, driving that 1RM ever higher. These days I go the opposite route, never doing less than 10 reps, normally going for 15-20 for 4-5 sets. I'll load up heavy on other lifts, like deadlifts (where I never go above 5 reps for fear of form breaking down).
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    Yesterday I came off my final graveyard shift this rotation, decided to hit the gym to help wake up for the day. Opted for cardio rather than trying my luck lifting weights, and based upon some sage advice received in this thread, as my second cardio day of the week I decided to take it just a little easier than my hard cardio day. Still did an hour of hill work on the elliptical, but rather than crank up the intensity with every hill to a peak before gradually backing down again, I kept the intensity at a moderate level the entire time. So instead of recording 5.8 miles for 800 calories, I "only" got 4.8 miles and 650 calories. My breathing never got so labored I had to stop breathing through my nose, and my heart rate stayed between 100-120 the entire time.

    Today I hit the iron for the first time in a couple weeks, and my body told me all about it. Not through soreness, but through feeling weak, not lifting quite as heavy, needing a tad more time rest between sets. Knew I should've taken one more day post-graveyards to recover before trying to lift, but wanted to have Saturday off completely from the gym so did upper body power today, will hit lower body power tomorrow. Next rotation I will remember this and take that extra time first.
  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    Agreed on 5 rep limit on deads. I have the same mental limit. I also leave more RIR on dead’s than any other heavy compound.

    I had 20 minutes for a lunch workout. Warmups for each are implied. Did one working set on each:

    Chin-ups to failure
    Bent over rows to failure
    5x Sumo Dead’s

  • ilfaith
    ilfaith Posts: 16,769 Member
    Played about two hours of tennis (doubles) this morning. Will do something with weights this evening. Probably a FitOn video or two…abs and upper body.
  • Ernest_Nigma
    Ernest_Nigma Posts: 69 Member
    I've been keeping up a regular short early morning elliptical session each day to get started and sometimes get on again for a bit watching tv in the evenings. After a longer 3 sport workout on Monday, there was just a short 15 minute treadmill run on Tuesday. Wednesday I was in the pool again for 1650m. A longer run is planned for later today. I've been getting out for a short bike ride most days too, sometimes to the pool and gym, or just to get out.

    I found a place to set a bar for inverted rows at home and usually get several sets in on days that I'm not swimming. When I started the rows, I was feeling a lot of strain in my forarms. Maybe the brachioradialis from what I've been reading. I was feeling the same strain return while swimming front crawl at first so I try to alternate those. I still have this fantasy of being able to do pullups again one day, but it's a work in progress.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Yesterday I came off my final graveyard shift this rotation, decided to hit the gym to help wake up for the day. Opted for cardio rather than trying my luck lifting weights, and based upon some sage advice received in this thread, as my second cardio day of the week I decided to take it just a little easier than my hard cardio day. Still did an hour of hill work on the elliptical, but rather than crank up the intensity with every hill to a peak before gradually backing down again, I kept the intensity at a moderate level the entire time. So instead of recording 5.8 miles for 800 calories, I "only" got 4.8 miles and 650 calories. My breathing never got so labored I had to stop breathing through my nose, and my heart rate stayed between 100-120 the entire time.

    Today I hit the iron for the first time in a couple weeks, and my body told me all about it. Not through soreness, but through feeling weak, not lifting quite as heavy, needing a tad more time rest between sets. Knew I should've taken one more day post-graveyards to recover before trying to lift, but wanted to have Saturday off completely from the gym so did upper body power today, will hit lower body power tomorrow. Next rotation I will remember this and take that extra time first.

    I hope you'll comment on whether that works out for you, once you've had it on repeat for a few weeks. Hoping the results are positive, of course, but interested to hear if they're not.
  • williamsonmj1
    williamsonmj1 Posts: 85 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    ... high rep squats are gross. :).

    One person's opinion, lol. Used to do all my squats for sets of 3-5, driving that 1RM ever higher. These days I go the opposite route, never doing less than 10 reps, normally going for 15-20 for 4-5 sets. I'll load up heavy on other lifts, like deadlifts (where I never go above 5 reps for fear of form breaking down).

    Okay, well, I admit that they do seem to be really effective for me- that's why I am going back to them. But they can really wipe you out in a way that lower reps don't. A bit like doing HIIT.