DayDreams1996 Member


  • Hello my name is Dreamer, I’m 27, female. Looking for accountability partners and buddies as well. I made a good friend on here across the globe from the U.S. I love to meet new people 😄👍 you got this!
  • Hi my name is Dreamer, I’m 27, and I would love to continue cheering you on! Looking for people to cheer on and for them to cheer me on. Lost 15 pounds so far, yay!
  • Hi! I’m looking for the same. I also went 50 pounds over and I also have depression but my situation is a little bit different. I took an anti anxiety medication and I walked over 5 miles a day and it didn’t work. Now I’m off the meds but not the same. I will add you,‘I check messages daily. I go by Dreamer, it’s nice to…
  • Sure that sounds good! My name is Dreamer, nice to meet you! I’m new to this app but I will find a way to add you. Talk soon!
  • Hello! I would like to connect, im trying to see how I can add friends on this app, but I would love to add you on my friends list. 😄
  • The struggle of losing weight is hard, but slow and steady wins the race. You got this! 😄😁
  • Hi! Nice to meet you! My goals is to lose weight slowly, making short term and long term goals. I’m here for friends as well! I made a nice friend on here and i love to see many posts on this community. 😁
  • Hi! My name is Dreamer, nice to meet you! This is a great platform to be able to get to know and meet people around the world. Such a nice community and uprooting. You can message me anytime, I check mine regularly. Nice to meet you!
  • That’s great! Same thing my doctor told me, one step at a time. The shower I burn the more the weight stays off. I lost almost 10 pounds so far, but with food and calories sometimes it goes back up by 1 pound. Nice to meet you 😁
  • Hello! I hope you are doing well after the cancer treatment. I am trying to lose weight as well and be a more healthy person.