23Bougie Member


  • Wow! Way to go! I’m with you in needing some friendly encouragement!
  • I will send you a friend request!
  • Hi all! I’ve been off this grid for a while caring for my mom. It’s the eve of the holiday season of excess and I am determined to stay on track as best as I can. I am still searching for the inner motivation to really slay this weight loss. Thanks for all who check in and encourage one another.
  • I’m sorry about your stress level and your dad’s health issues! You were smart to take care of what you needed to do just to get it off your plate! I hope all goes well this week. Sending you good vibes. 🫶🏼
  • Feeling strong this Sunday morning. I’m off to a good start with my food and exercise. I hope everyone is doing well and staying focused.
  • Is anyone interested in being a daily accountability partner (even outside of this app?)
  • I find my Apple Watch to be the easiest!
  • Way to go on your weight loss and walking! I try to double my protein when I can which I find helps get in the calories. (I tend to lose with highly protein!
  • Saw this quote: “ Instead of thinking that you’ve blown the day and you’ll get back on track tomorrow, try thinking of a day in quarters. You may have wasted the morning and mid day, But the afternoon and evening offer plenty of potential time for you to get back on track. Fail small, not big.
  • As the person who started this thread I do feel badly that I have not been more successful in staying on track myself! I get so much from seeing others successes and want to keep trying! I hope others will keep chiming in and I will start back this Friday with my weekly weigh ins. Stay strong everyone!
  • Hope everyone is having a good day! 😊♥️
  • Hi all! I’m still here! Just had company for a few days after a week long trip out of town! Keep rocking it! 🫶🏼
  • I’m sorry you are going through so much stress and sadness. As far as easier healthy meals, maybe a rotisserie chicken? I like to buy them and pull all the meat off when they are still warm. You get a few meals from one depending on their
  • Way to go with your loss! I fell off this wagon hard, but am ready to step it back up. I want to go into the holidays with a healthier relationship with food and exercise! I need to stay away from sugar and gluten so my plan is to have plenty of fruit for. Few days to ease out of the sugar addiction…. I always feel SO much…
  • I missed my weigh in yesterday… For anyone who wants to participate in the “weekly weigh-in”. Feel free to cut and paste my pervious Friday posts and adjust to your stats. I’ve been having a tough time staying focused and look forward to weigh in NEXT Friday. I’ve gotten VERY good at justifying bad choices and seem to be…
  • I hear you on the night eating! It’s a battle for me as well sometimes too!
  • Hi all! I hope everyone is doing alright! I’ve had some ups and downs and haven’t been as focused as I’d like. In general I am eating clean, just not exercising as much ch as I’d like! I also tend to not finish logging my food (dinner usually) until the next morning! Although I have my calories set at 1,200, I strive for a…
  • SEPTEMBER 2023 weekly weigh-in Starting weight: 165 lbs Goal weight: 125 lbs 9/01 163 (-2) 9/08 161 (-2) 9/15 9/22 9/29
  • Welcome and happy to have you jump on the “let’s get back on track” group! Hopefully it felt good to go to the gym! I feel like fall/back to school is a great time to reset! 😊
  • Awesome Daria! Thanks for joining in!
  • Way to go!!! Thanks for joining!
  • WEEKLY WEIGH IN for those interested! I am going to weigh in on Fridays. This will REALLY help me with accountability. I have gained a few pounds (which happens) so I think having a place to document where we can cheer and encourage each other on will be helpful! Join in however you see fit! Do what works for you in terms…
  • Do we want to do a weekly weight check in here? I’ve had a few messages from people who might like that….
  • I got back to the gym again! Checking in a little early…. Will finish my food log in a bit. Hope everyone has had a great day!
  • I just LOVE that people are joining in to this discussion! So many of us with menopause weight gain struggles! I hear you!!! Consistency with food while adding in the exercise and sleep are common issues! Let’s keep cheering each other along! I had a good day today and hope everyone else is doing well! 😊
  • Hi all! I’m so glad to see so many people jumping into this discussion. (I will friend you Trish) Does anyone know how to create our own group or challenge or whatever? Like a Facebook group via this app?? Anyway, today was a pretty good day. I did make it to the gym to stretch, lift a little and walk on the treadmill. I’m…
  • I’m also easing back into it. Getting my food on track and habitual is the key for me. I have lots of spinal/hip/tailbone aches and pains which can be debilitating at times. I do lots of PT and know it’s all helped with a stronger core and taking excess weight off. I try not to too hard in myself when I have lower activity…
  • Glad to be making some friends on here! I’ve been getting my diet back on track this week, adding back in some walks and will add the gym back in next week. I do not have the app track my exercise/cals out, I just aim for 1,200 - 1,400 cals with high protein a day… I track my steps and workout on my Apple Watch and oura….…
  • Yay! Thank you all for your responses. I will try to figure out how to add you all as friends! We can do this (again!). I need and want to get back to my healthier self! I have been in a bad slump! My confidence has been low as well as energy which is all directly related to how I’m eating and exercising. I know how good…
  • I’m also back and looking to connect with people who can motivate and help me stay on track!