23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
edited August 2023 in Introduce Yourself
57, very married female looking for community to help me lose 40 pounds. I’m discouraged that I’ve gotten to this point and need some encouragement! I’ve done it before so I know I can do it! I know what and how to do it, just need accountability to help me stay consistent and motivated! CW: 164 GW 125
I’m not new to MFP as far as diary and tracking macros, but definitely new to the “community” aspect of this app. Any help with navigating this side of things is also appreciated 😊. TY


  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    @23Bougie I'm so glad to have come across your post. I'm in a similar boat and want to be healthy again and lose all the weight I gained back after losing so much (have about 40lbs to lose). I haven't taken advantage of the community aspect of this site either so I'm looking forward to trying that. I need to start swimming and walking again, would love to be back on my bike in a couple months too. I have to figure out how to add friends too so lmk after you figure it out.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    edited August 2023
    Went to the grocery store today and got a bunch of healthy stuff for the upcoming week. I'm doing the calorie deficit thing (shooting for 1200/day) so I got sushi (store here has $5 sushi roll Fridays and makes it fresh onsite), garden salad fixings, avocados were on sale, bananas, cheese and eggs. If I don't see any weight loss after a week I'll go on keto where I've had success previously. I love me some good coffee so I got that too and some quality cream for it. Looking forward to a yummy start to the day tomorrow.

    I walked there and back so I'll count that for exercise especially since it was pretty heavy on the way back. I'll go for longer walks starting tomorrow. My biggest problem is heading out for a walk even though I love it once I get out the door. Luckily there's a great dog park nearby and it's so fun seeing them all running around having a blast that it always makes me smile. Owners are great too and the conversations are always fun.

    Let me know how you guys are doing for some motivation, thanks! (hopefully we all keep posting here, new to this aspect of mfp so i'm not sure of the process)
  • 23Bougie
    23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
    Glad to be making some friends on here! I’ve been getting my diet back on track this week, adding back in some walks and will add the gym back in next week. I do not have the app track my exercise/cals out, I just aim for 1,200 - 1,400 cals with high protein a day… I track my steps and workout on my Apple Watch and oura….

    I hope everyone has a good weekend! Stay strong and stay healthy!
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Added a tsp of apple cider vinegar to my water jug today. I always forget how much good it does so I put it right next to where I fill up my water bottle so I won't forget.

    I didn't go for a walk unfortunately but I have been cleaning all day while I listen to an audiobook and music. Does anyone have music to suggest to get one going? I'm happy because in the past 3 days I've lost 3 lbs even if it's just water weight or clearing out the pipes lol. Looks like I need a lot more fiber and water in my diet which makes total sense: gotta keep the plumbing clear. Next time I'm at the store I'll grab a lot more broccoli. Luckily I love it, can't believe others don't. Steamed is my favorite way to cook it.

    Hope y'all are doing well and making progress! Let us know how you're doing, it helps so much. I don't want to fail again.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    edited August 2023
    Kinda down on myself for not going for a walk or doing any real exercise. Hopefully I can change that tomorrow. Still doing well with my caloric intake so I'm not gonna worry too much. I do better with not keeping anything in the flat that I'll munch down on so I'll keep doing that til I make a dent in my weight loss goal.
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,036 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hi - I’m in my 60s, happily married looking to lose about 40 pounds (yes, yet again). I lose and gain and lose and…. well, you know the routine. Trying MFP this time around after trying other approaches in the past. Would enjoy seeing this group of people who have commented so far continue to support each other!! 😀😀. I know I could use the support! Thanks.

    BTW, how do we friend each other? Or do we just keep posting and visiting this thread? I’m totally new to this community stuff.
  • Trishie416
    Trishie416 Posts: 2 Member
    Am I too late to join? 51, 183lbs was 125 for a couple of years but slowly crept back to what seems to be my mental set weight. 183. It’s strange that is the exact weight I was when I went into Nutrisystem as a teenager and stepped on their scale.
  • 23Bougie
    23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
    Hi all! I’m so glad to see so many people jumping into this discussion. (I will friend you Trish)

    Does anyone know how to create our own group or challenge or whatever? Like a Facebook group via this app??

    Anyway, today was a pretty good day. I did make it to the gym to stretch, lift a little and walk on the treadmill. I’m nursing a sore back so I’m taking it easy. My food was on track too so small wins today that I’ll gladly take. I’ve started logging my water (when I remember) which always helps me drink more. I love in HOT Vegas so you’d think I’d drink more…
    Goodnight all!
  • msmichelle0620
    msmichelle0620 Posts: 2 Member
    @23Bougie Thank you for posting about this topic.
    I gained 15 pounds from being on medical leave at one point it messed with me mentally. As well I am a proud food addiction survivor. Although situations that I just experienced were I broke my 2 yearns of not having any red light foods . I will be starting my working towards my 3 days of being clean all over again. I also love the idea of accountability! I’m definitely all about accountability.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Started taking daily vitamins again: multi,calcium,magnesium&fish oil. I'm still around 1200 calories/day and started drinking more water so that's good. Still need to work on exercising.