hlsess Member


  • Yes I know. I’ve been a drinker for years and know what heavy drinking does. The ? Was if I have a couple of drinks. I will track if I drink. Not planning on it often.
    in Alcohol Comment by hlsess September 2023
  • Yes I do know it’s not healthy but I drink just like 65% of Americans. I’ll track it if I have a drink or 2. Thanks.
    in Alcohol Comment by hlsess September 2023
  • I am adding protein too. 100-130 is what I was told but usually only hit 100g
  • Just bought a small jar. Hope it helps
  • Ok. Thanks. That’s what I figured. I walk 3-5 miles a day. Do strength training most days and eat lots of protein now. And drink lots of water.
  • What is the expected weight loss time? I’ve lost 4 lbs in 8 days. I know slow is better. Lost 3 in @ 3 days so guessing it’ll be slower now. Trying to lose 13 more. I know everyone is different. Need to stay away from sodium too.
  • Thanks so much. I’ve been doing really well so far. Just picked up some cottage cheese tioday. Not my favorite. Ordered Chia seeds too. Love eating all This food and losing weight.