I’ve cut out alcohol for a bit but my nutritionist said vodka, Prosecco or a white claw is ok. Who drinks and does it stall you if you have it every now and then. Any tips on drinking and losing weight. If that’s possible. Hahaha
Started with a nutritionist 9/5. So I’m still learning. Higher protein more calories . Lost 3.5 first few days which I know was water weight probably but no more loss Hitting @100g protein but not always 1300-1500 calories which she recommends. So trying to find more higher calorie foods. I am eating eggs yogurts turkey…
Can y’all give me an idea of what to expect as far as weight lose. I’ve lost 4 pounds in 8 days. And need to lose 10-13 more. I know slow is best but just an idea?? How long has it taken you. Thanks.
Started with a nutritionist last Monday. She said I wasn’t eating near enough protein so I am now tracking every bite on MFP. Lost 4 pounds so far!! Need to add more fiber. What are your favorite. Fiber foods? Also any other tips on favorite high protein foods.