TotallyJustin Member


  • How are you meant to get objective metrics about your progress without weighing yourself? How you look or feel doesn't indicate your weight. I use this scale which automatically records my weight to my phone as well as 12 other categories which have been a useful indicator of my progress.
  • I don't add or speak to people on here (this is my second time even posting anything here) and given the progress I've made I don't think speaking to other people about it would help me or motivate me, because the motivation is all internal and doesn't depend on others.
  • Absolutely not. That's a terrible strategy. Weekends of indulgence will destroy any progress you've made, and it's simply just self-sabotage. Maintaining a calorie deficit should be your default diet, not some weekday chore, and your question shows that you're currently looking at it that way, and ultimately avoiding the…