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Is having a scale beneficial



  • NotGvnUp_EJ
    NotGvnUp_EJ Posts: 65 Member
    edited January 4
    If it causes you stress or triggers some sort of anxiety it's not worth it in my opinion. I'd find another way, like fitting into a pair of smaller jeans as a way to monitor weight and for motivation.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    threewins wrote: »
    Some people are afraid of the bathroom scale, I don't envy those people, if they want to lose or maintain weight. I guess one solution is to get a bathroom scale without a display. Yes, these scales exist. Hopefully they use it daily and can chat with a bot which tells them in a vague way how they're doing.

    I have been using measuring tape for a long time, maybe 2 years. Multiple measurements, daily. Do people get scared of measuring themselves?

    No, not scared. But also not obsessed.

    I only weighed in weekly - I could probably do that without having my own scale (the original question) - use one at work or at somebody else's house for example

    Multiple measurements every day, either with a tape or a scale, seems OTT to me.

    Multiple weigh-ins per day isn't necessarily excessive. The "why" matters, as does the psychological state a person brings to the act.

    If I want to check hot-weather workout hydration strategies, I'm going to weigh before and after the exercise. It's a useful thing to do occasionally if a person regularly does intense, sweaty workouts. Those weigh-ins will be in addition to my regular morning weigh-in that goes into my weight trending app.

    Nothing about that is anxiety-provoking, obsessive, or stressful. It's just the collection of useful data, for me. For some other people, it could be obsessive, anxiety-provoking, or stressful - that's the psychological state a person brings to it at the time.

    I'm not saying other people need to weigh on any particular frequency. I do think other people ought to keep an open mind about what I do, and why, too - thus by implication keep an open mind about what might be the best approach for some 3rd party.
  • mq92hyqbvh
    mq92hyqbvh Posts: 1 Member
    For me it is very helpful. I understand I might fluctuate 2-3 pounds from salt and water, etc but it provides me with accountability. If my daily trend starts going up I know I need to make changes. If my lowest lows get lower I get excited. It motivates me to keep trying.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Yes, I like the data, and find it interesting. I often swim for an hour. I drink water before I swim. Then, I weigh myself after my swim. I usually weigh a pound less than before. I lose a pound or more while swimming . It’s so strange! I figure I become somewhat dehydrated while swimming. I try to drink a lot of water after my swim to rehydrate.
  • KL1887
    KL1887 Posts: 117 Member
    A food scale is a yes, for ensuring consistency and accuracy.

    Body weight scales are a maybe, depends on what type of person you are, if you’re inclined to become obsessive or quickly dissuaded by the number going the opposite way to what you want then no.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,068 Member
    If I want to check hot-weather workout hydration strategies, I'm going to weigh before and after the exercise. It's a useful thing to do occasionally if a person regularly does intense, sweaty workouts. Those weigh-ins will be in addition to my regular morning weigh-in that goes into my weight trending app.

    Sure. Occasionally being the key word.

    Or even for a short period of time to ascertain something specific - like difference between morning and evening weight, I dont know.

    But not doing so multiple times per day long term on an ongoing basis.
  • TotallyJustin
    TotallyJustin Posts: 3 Member
    How are you meant to get objective metrics about your progress without weighing yourself? How you look or feel doesn't indicate your weight. I use this scale which automatically records my weight to my phone as well as 12 other categories which have been a useful indicator of my progress.
  • SafariGalNYC
    SafariGalNYC Posts: 996 Member
    edited February 4
    I weigh myself once a day. It’s like brushing my teeth.. I just hop on in the morning and see where my weight is at. It always fluctuates.. but I want to make sure it’s never on an upward trend.

    Food scales in my kitchen help me with calories per portion sizes.