

  • welcome!!!!!!!! I have personaly had an amazing expiernce here so far! It really helps seeing your food intake and gettign support from others! I have lost about 6 pounds in mind you i am very very overwieght!!! and i also gave up pop and started walking a mile and a half everyday can do this!! If i can…
    in Hi. Comment by auba2004 August 2011
  • hey there!! I am a mom and its hard to fit a workout in!! Kids are very demanding but i actually just include them! They go on wlkas with me everyday! If you want to go to a gym i have heard that some have a playroom for young kids! If you can get some home equipment and just work out with them home with you! i am joing a…
  • just a question....have u been checked for hyper thyroidism???? my brother is 15 and is on the football team but hes reallllllly skinny! Hes tried eating more to bulk up and nothing was working...turns out he has hyperthyroidism! Over active thyroid. He just got on meds so hopefully it helps! the mean time eat…
  • as far as you gaining hun its probably muscle!! MFP has my calorie intake at 1920!!! i cn not eat even close to that i am always full i usually get around 1300-1400 and i also excersize everyday! I did start adding cottage cheese and it upped my calorie intake!
  • what about jello cups!!! They are low cal and yumo!!
  • It is awesome with pineapple or peaches!!!! peaches and cottage cgeese is my favorite!!! =)
  • ADD ME 2! I have a little over 100 to lose and i started 8 days ago on here DOING GREAT! I get to weigh in this comming friday oober excited!
  • Working out 5 days a week is ambitious! My goal was to go from NEVER walking or working out to 3 days a week i have walked a mile every day for the past 8 days! I am sooooo motivated lol!!!! I wont be hard on my self if i do only work out or walk 3 days a week though! ......
  • Hey! I am like you i LOVE soda!!!!!!!!!! But since joining on here 8 days ago i havent had ANY!! Awsome right!!!! I used to go to bed and sleep til 10 or 11 now i go to bed at the same time but i wake up ay 8 am! I dont feel so groggy and tired and i knwo its becuz igave up soda! I also walk a mile a day!!! I found that…
  • thanks every one!! I see they work for some and cause problems for others... i will keeping waering them and see how it goes!!!