

  • I hit plateaus every week or two, then my body will compensate for it the next week. My recommendation is to stick with your routine and add a small amount of dairy back into your diet. Non fat diary actually helps a lot with weight loss, so maybe try adding yogurt or skim milk back in every day. Just keep it up and don't…
  • I have the same problems with running sometimes. I started doing intervals and it helped a little. Just do like a 30 sec sprint every 10 minutes or so and it should make a pretty big difference. You're in better shape then you thought you were if your heart rate is only 127 after that long of run! Keep up the good work!
  • I never used to like running, but I made myself start when I got up to 219 lbs. Just start slow and push yourself a little harder everday. When I first startedI didn't even last 5 minutes, and now I'm doing 30 minutes a day and I love it. It gets easier quick, especially when the weight starts coming off. Hopefully you…