

  • I have been using this site for almost two weeks. I love the fact that I can eat what I want, within reason, and then at the end of the day log in and see where I am at! The first week that I was here, I lost 4lbs. During that week I had good days, great days and really bad days! We can do it., and we have to realize that…
  • lots of great ideas here ~ I have never really had many goals in life. I am currently a CNA at an Assisted Living Place, and that job makes me pretty damn happy! I think that if money were not an option, I would want to purchase this Country Line Dancing place and continue it the way it USE to be run! It is a great place…
  • I was just saying at work today how much I miss my junk food. One woman told me that if I can stay clear of sugars for about 2-3 weeks, I won't crave them as much! I have to realize that the junk food I enjoy and crave, are trigger foods for me and most of the time...just one serving isn't enough! So I am just going to…
  • Maya ~ I just started MFP last week and the first week that I followed it, I lost 4lbs. I have been on diets before and I have been on WW before ~ but I really think that this is a great site. We can read other people's stories and get motivation from them and best of all it's FREE!! Just take it day by day, step by step!…
  • ps, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I do the same thing. I have been using this site for a week today, but because it makes it so easy to track my calories, I am feeling like I can do this! My first week I lost 4lbs in 1 week! My weigh in day is Friday, I am hoping for more good news this Friday! Good Luck, hang in is worth it!
  • Hi ~ I am looking to lose about 40 - 50lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend. I think this site is great!
  • welcome. I have only been here for less than a week. But I am one of those people who think exercise is a 4 letter word. I know I have to figure out how to get it in...but at the moment, I am focusing on the food part of all of this! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!
  • I think I started on either Monday or Tuesday and I totally agree! I love how many calories you can find! Feel free to add me if you like!!
    in Hello Comment by palsluoma August 2011
  • I am looking to lose between 50 - 60! I know what my future holds and's not looking good at all! Maybe I can stay motivated in this group! Anyone interested, please feel free to add me. I am a 47 yr old married w/3 children ~ 26, 22, 18 yrs old.
  • I am a 47 yr old, who needs to lose about 50+ lbs. I too, am looking for new friends. If interested, please feel free to add me! I also sent a friend request!
  • I am new as well! Yesterday was my first full day! So far I think it's great. I love when it tells me that I was under in calories! Feel free to friend request me!
  • Hi, I am new to this site too, just joined on 8/8/11 ~ but it seems to be a much easier way to track my calories! I am doing a fun weightloss challenge w/some family and friends and last Friday I weighed in at my heaviest to date. I am 47 and all my children are still home and the youngest on his way to college in…
  • Hi ladies ~ I just started on this website this morning. I am married w/3 adult children. daughter 26 on the 11th of this month, son 22 and my youngest is 18 son ~ who will be off to college in September! I recently hit my highest weight to date and need to get motivated! I look forward to getting to know all of you!
  • anyone have a good recommendation on a decent pedometer that actually works well. I am too busy to actually count my steps and god knows I would lose track of them anyway. The last one that I had, I didn't hold out much faith that it worked accurately! ugh...why does this weight loss have to be so hard!!!