

  • I'm right there with you. I tend not to drink very much now because I hate feeling out of control, I always get the drunchies and end up binging and I don't see the point in the empty calories. If you're planning on drinking, up your carbs intake a little and you'll be able to handle it better. That's what I've found,…
  • I'm 5'5" and my gw is much smaller than most people here are saying, but I have an odd body shape and a very small frame. It was only when I was at my much lower weights that I didn't have a massive pooch on my stomach and massive thighs that made my whole body look odd and disproportioned. I'm currently around the 130…
  • I quite simply gave up on my ex. He was so picky about everything so I made the decision to cook for myself and he could do his own thing. Ironically, it was at about this time that I started actually losing weight!
  • Electronic metal... surely you meant to say Industrial... or Electronica at a pinch?!
  • I don't consider these embarrasing, but I know other people do. I'm actually a total nerd. I have eight Warhammer 40k armies at my disposable (some of them are actually owned by my housemate, but I'm free to paint and play with them at my will), I have numerous geeky board games (Discworld, Settlers etc.), I used to do…
  • A great start would be just making sure that your posture is perfect! If your posture is good then you will automaticall look smaller and more toned. When I'm on the bus (I'm aware that driving requires more concentration that whilst being on a bus!) I do little, discrete things to help tone my body such as pulling in my…
  • I tend not to listen to much heavy metal when I workout, but I listen to music that most other people probably wouldn't listen to. The bands I tend to workout to are Disturbed, Combichrist, Ayria, Angelspit, Jack Off Jill. Some heavy metal (or at least near enough for those with an untrained ear) thrown in there, but I…
  • My solution to this (I have lost just short of 90lbs since April last year) has been dresses! You can cling on to dresses for a few sizes longer than pants and shirts and they help you avoid having to buy new clothes every now and then. I've gone from a UK size 20 to a UK size 8/10 and I just couldn't have afforded to buy…
  • I used to have a cleaning job for two days a week and I was MUCH bigger then, and my God, did I sweat. It was deep cleaning, too, moving furniture, cleaning from top to bottom, etc. I rarely eat back the calories I exercise because I exercise to create a deficit and I would usually go to the gym after work, so at those…
  • I live 2 minutes from the gym and my gym/pool only has open group showers (aka a quick shower in your swim gear after you're done) so I just go home in my gym gear and then get a shower and changed at home. I think even if my gym had individual showers I would feel too uncomfortable to shower there and would still prefer…
  • 1st Dec - 137.6 5th Dec - 135
  • My local gym seems to be full of mostly older people, which is fine, I get anxious working out around people of my own age... but that is not an excuse for old pervy men to watch me and other young women in there every time we go in! Yes, our boobs jiggle slightly when we run... but they're not for you to look at!
  • I'm having similar issues atm. I've gone from being obese to being a healthy weight within about 6-7 months. I've lost, on average, about 2.5 lbs a week which is just a little over the healthy average weight loss. Because I'm now classed as a healthy weight, I'm getting interrogated so much more about my eating and weight…
  • Name/ real name: Saxmis/Laura Goal weight on December 31st: 120 lbs. 1st Dec - 137.6
  • I haven't worked out my BMI for a while, but due to my height, I don't look good at the weight that I am, nor do I feel good. Like somebody said earlier (sorry, I didn't take in the username!) I like to listen to my body and I know that I felt my healthiest when I was medically underweight. I had more energy and I was able…
  • If I have the energy after I've finished my normal workouts for today, then I'm in! I struggle doing lunges because of my knees, but I'll do my best!
  • 30 minute bellydancing workout 40 minute swim 45 minutes Aquajog 500 crunches 200 plie dumbbell squats 100 dumbbell swings 3 hours in the gym About to do half an hour on the Wii, half an hour on the stationary bike followed by 250 crunches and 125/125 oblique crunches.
  • I'm in! =)