anyone not overweight still looking to lose?

I've found the support here absolutely fantastic, for some reason I thought people may judge me for wanting to lose weight despite the fact that I am not actually 'overweight' (as they do everyday in real life :-( ) just wondering if there is anyone else who is 'healthy' BMI but still looking to lose a little? I just want my clothes to fit again and feel great about my body again!



  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hi Boo,

    There's nothing wrong with not wanting to go buy the next size up in jeans. I think the lower end of the BMI scale is a little skewed, and I only move from the underweight to healthy category if I'm putting on some muscle. So I go by where I feel healthy. I've found my body will tell me when it's doing well, or if it gets too small or too big. There is a difference in how my body feels/performs if I'm not in that healthy range for me (too high or too low). Actually my entire "diet" is based around doing what my body tells me to. I eat when I'm hungry (and I eat what I'm craving, to the best of my ability/resources) and I don't eat when I'm not hungry. It works pretty well, except for the occasional social eating/drinking, which social relationships are part of what my body/mind need to be healthy as well, so those are also important. The best thing I ever did health wise (besides get a dog) is start listening to my body.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    I guess the point of that was, for me it's more important that my body feel good than that I feel good about my body, but they tend to go hand in hand. I feel great about my body now, and want to keep it (my body) happy.
  • can_tastic
    can_tastic Posts: 28 Member
    Hey Betty Boop!

    I'm not overweight either, but my abs have disappeared on me and I'd really like to see those things again! Feel free to add me.
  • Leo_Joy_HG
    Leo_Joy_HG Posts: 57 Member
    ME! I have a BMI of about 22-23 but i want to loose a little to feel i look nicer
  • BrandyontheRun
    BrandyontheRun Posts: 204 Member
    I am not overweight but in the last year and a half I gained 24 pounds and went from my comfortable weight of 120 to 144! If it was muscle, hey that'd be okay... but it definitely isn't (lol). So here I am looking to lose some weight! I miss my healthy eating and regular exercise I used to be committed to. I have no idea how but I've somehow fallen off the wagon! So your definitely not the only one who's not overweight but still looking to lose!
    For me, it's about being healthy, feeling at my best, and being confident in myself (both in the way I look and the way I feel).
  • SandersWifey
    I am not overweight. My BMI is 21.9. I miss how I looked 10 pounds ago! LOL SO I am trying to get back there. I am also trying to exercise for the health benefits that come along with it. I want to not only lose a few pounds, but to also be overall a healthier person! :smile:
  • bett_boop
    bett_boop Posts: 89 Member
    thanks for the great reponses everyone -i put on weight recently too- in the six months I have gone from 108 lbs (BMI 19.1) to 124 lbs (BMI 22.0) because I am short I have gone from looking very slim to looking a little rounded- funny how a just a few pounds can do that! I'm already noticing a difference though. I REALLY want to feel healthy though- even though I can control the QUANTITY of what I eat (most of the time) I have difficulty controlling what things I eat... anyone who has read my food diary can see I have a huge issue with SUGAR!
  • Saxmis
    Saxmis Posts: 84
    I haven't worked out my BMI for a while, but due to my height, I don't look good at the weight that I am, nor do I feel good. Like somebody said earlier (sorry, I didn't take in the username!) I like to listen to my body and I know that I felt my healthiest when I was medically underweight. I had more energy and I was able to do a lot more exercise, so yes, I know that I'm "healthy" and that I have a BMI of 23.3, but I know that I'm not really "healthy" and that I want to change that!
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    Me...I'm not technically overweight. And pretty much everybody looks at me and says I don't need to lose weight. I don't trust BMI totally BUT my BMI says I'm at the high end of healthy for my height.

    However I don't count calories and live my life wholly by trying to lose weight. I just workout, trying to get stronger and watch what I eat. I'm not trying really hard to lose weight. I'm living my life freely and losing weight is at the back of my mind, but still there. Nobody really knows I'm trying to lose weight as much as I'm trying to just be healthy.

    ETA: Also want to say for me I'm also quite short (5 feet) and I'm 140 pounds. It sounds like a lot for my height...and it is but it doesn't look like a lot for me. I think the best looking weight would be 120? But I haven't been that in a while and I have more muscle now than when I was that weight so I might look best at 130 now...I don't know. Either way I would like to lose some weight even though I'm not terribly big...just have a bit of chub that I don't want...