

  • Hi Tracy, no problem! You can do it! If you need some more advice contact me. Or even better Skype me: charlotte.ammann. What do you have for breakfast? It's THE important meal to start your day. Watch the Sugar and if you need a better thing than what you are having now, let me know. I'm having the best Breakfast ever so…
  • Hi, the best you can get for breakfast is a Herbalife Shake(about 220 Kcal, depends what you add extra). You don't get hungry and if: you can take a great Protein Bar which is delcious and only 140 Kcal. I eat the shake now for 4 years and I'm fealing great! Try it out!
  • Hey! Don't worry, don't give up. You need to know that you are building up muscle and burning the fat. Then you need to know that muscles are heavier as fat. So it's possible that you don't lose weight even if you are doing your workouts. Important is that you messure your arms, legs, hips, breast and check this once in a…
  • I use the Herbalife Shakes and add the Herbalife Protein Powder. On the Can is all the information you need or you find them in the data base. If you want to drink only the Protein, add some fruit you like, fresh or frozen or cinnamon, think you find the Kcal also in the database. Good luck
  • Hi Clairepoint. You have to know your goal, how many kg you want to lose. Then you go for it. If you reach your goal in (example) 2 months, you have to continue for another 2 months. I use the Herbalife Shakes 2x a day, a lot of Proteinpowder and lot of vitamins. (If you need some let me know) Once a day you have to eat a…