

  • Wow thanks for the fabulous response guys :D
  • I bought a special watch that monitors my heart rate. I got it from Asda and it cost about 19.99. its fabulous as it tells me how may calories i burn. I ususally burn between 400 - 700 calories in an hour xxx
  • I have to say I was mortified when someone came up to be a few months back, patted my tummy and said you look positively blooming this pregnancy is making you glow! And I replied 'That would be a great compliment but I'm not even pregnant" and her reply was 'oh well sorry I thought you were at least twenty weeks!!!'…
  • Welcome back honey. I know what u mean about meds and things. I had to try several different contraceptives and they really screwed around with my weight. I also take meds for Bi Polar and they make you think your hungry all the time when your not!! It takes great courage to come back again and i think even more so than…
  • Hi all. Im a busy mum of four aged 7 and under. Ive come on this weight loss journey because I'm really not happy. I'm lonely and miserable and it results its more comfort eating. Ive decided enough is enough as I want my identity back. I want to be 'me' again not just mum and general dogsbody lol. Ive already lost a stone…