Back Again - This time doing it right.

Back again, I joined myfitness pal back in Dec of 2010. I'm a Small town 29 year old in Missourii. I lost 28 pounds and decided to start up weight watchers as I thought that would help out even more. Well I was wrong, I had problems with points and never quit the soda. I gained about 10 pounds back and was at almost 380 pounds. That is not acceptable to me, I ended up going to a Dr. got put on Phentermine and another pill. I've lost about 20 pounds and down to 359. I have joined a gym and been working out daily. Having a bit of problems with the medicine causing me to not have an appetite at all.

Looking forward to going back to myfitnesspal and using the mobile app. I had a much easier time counting calories instead of points. (Maybe its the larger number) I've went through the BMI calculators and figured out daily calorie intake needed.

I live in a rural area, have an amazing 2 year old son who is active as can be. I am looking foward to being able to really play ball outside with him.

My past: I suffer from psoriasis and was put on several medicines, a couple made me really balloon. I was always semi chunky. (In High School I was 250ish) but after starting on Soritane and a steroid I really put weight on fast. I'm now 29 and found a great treatment in Stelara which doesn't have the side effects, so goal is to get healthy! I've set my starter goal to get to 300 pounds. That is 60 pounds from where I am at.

Looking forward to taking this weight loss journey with you guys!

Hobbies: Huge football fan (especially NCAA Division II football), photography, and I'm a tv junkie.

Not much else!


  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    You can do this. Nothing can stop you ! (Except you of course.)
  • carintoby
    Welcome back! Sounds like you are super motivated to get this done. Best of luck to you.
    We are all here to support and motivate you! :-) (I'm originally a Missouri girl too!)
  • aninamika
    aninamika Posts: 159
    Hey there!
    I'll be happy to help you stay on track. I've only not long ago come back to the MFP world and have found that by joining a challenge and making a lot of friends it'll help you stay focused on your goal. There is a challenge starting up next month for September. Here's the link. I just joined and my captain has an available spot.

    My captain's name is Lori user name Lori_menorahlover's - shoot her a message!

    You can do've taken the first step and that's reaching out by posting!

    Sending you friend request :)
  • zumba_smurf
    Welcome back honey. I know what u mean about meds and things. I had to try several different contraceptives and they really screwed around with my weight. I also take meds for Bi Polar and they make you think your hungry all the time when your not!! It takes great courage to come back again and i think even more so than first timers so well done to you honey xxxxxx
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    Sent message to join the group! Time for the Fat Monster in my belly to go away!