jbruhn Member


  • I had this happen to me too. Mine also added an additional 400 calories. I thought it would fix itself for that day but it didn't.
  • I tore my ACL, MCL, LCL, and meniscus in my right knee 6 years ago, and I am now 41. I did not get my ACL repaired but did get my meniscus repaired. I did not do the surgery due to the long recovery time. I opted for PT for a couple of months and was told by both my PT and my orthopedic surgeon that the key to keeping the…
  • I had a DVT in my calf several years ago and was admitted to the hospital as soon as it was discovered. DVT's are nothing to mess around with. I was put on blood thinners to disolve the clot because they didn't want a piece of it to break off and travel to my lungs.
  • I found them at Target in the refridgerator section on an end display.
  • I agree, just had the coffee with dark chocolate bits. OMG Delish.
  • Feel free to add me as well. The more friends the better.
  • Franklin here