Fitbit adding calories eaten

So I noticed something weird with my Fitbit. It has suddenly been adding about 400 calories eaten every day making my reports totally off. For example, yesterday I logged just over 1400 calories in MFP, but my fitbit dashboard says I ate just over 1800 calories! I only log in MFP and simply use the Fitbit site for reports. I never log food or exercise there. I like getting my weekly Fitbit reports telling me how far I walked, distance, calories etc... I noticed my last report said I had over eaten by 500 calories and that didn't seem right so when I looked more closely I noticed the discrepancy between the two sites. I've had my Fitbit for almost a year, and I understand how it adds exercise calorie adjustments to MFP as I move and that is working fine. The actual calories burned is nearly spot on between the two sites, but why is Fitbit suddenly telling me I've eaten more than I actually have?


  • Edie30
    Edie30 Posts: 216
    Eeekkkk !!! I dunno ! Hopefully someone has the answer
  • jbruhn
    jbruhn Posts: 9 Member
    I had this happen to me too. Mine also added an additional 400 calories. I thought it would fix itself for that day but it didn't.