

  • Great work! You are a wonderful inspiration. :)
  • I've been eating it on my sandwiches and wraps as a replacement of mayo! There are many different kinds, sun-dried tomato is my favorite.
  • Hunger does TERRIBLE things to me too! I found out early that you were suppose to eat some of the calories you burned. It helped so much! but now (3 months in) I don't find myself eating as much of them back. Which has helped the weight come off easier. Portion control helped with that. I measure everything and drink lots…
  • Wow that is amazing!!! Great work! Very inspirational!
  • hehehe GMANN & Kimmy! As my friends here on MFP you both are awesome!!! Long distance always has the potential to work out if the willingness is there. I've experienced both a negative and a positive with a LDR. First one was two people who meet locally and had strong feelings for each other but didn't commit due to the…
  • Welcome to MFP! :)
  • OC! love it here! welcome to MFP
  • Welcome to MFP! Hopefully it will help you accomplish all your fitness goals! Feel free to add me if you would like some encouragement.
  • I'm rather new too. I swear this is the only reason I come online. Addiction would be an understatement. Feel free to add me if you want some motivation and support!!! :)
    in Looking Comment by shelbobi August 2011
  • CENTRAL VALLEY!!! ohh depending on the part im sorry. summer is NEVER pleasant there! im from southern california with most of my family around fresno and sac. the rest are on the central coast! Welcome to MFP!!! :) feel free to add me if you want some motivation! :) good luck on your journey!
    in Hello!! Comment by shelbobi August 2011
  • I LOVE FOOD & COOKING TOO!!! Italian is my favorite between the cheese, bread and noodles I don't stand a chance!!! Welcome! I hope you are able to make good use of the program. I'm about a week into using it and I have to say the motivation is probably the best part of the website! They are always there to motivate you…
  • Welcome! Good luck with your goal! i hope you can reach it. MFP can help in so many ways! :)
  • AHHH the college lifestyle gets the best of all of us! I'm attempting to work off the stress fat! But this site seems to help and addicting is an understatement!!! :)
  • I'm new here too! Five pounds is amazing! Always good to have motivation! Feel free to add me!! :)
  • AHH the P90X. I personally have a love hate relationship with the program. Starting is the hardest part for me. But once I get going I love how the weight seems to disappear.
  • I just joined today and I'm 20 too! Good luck!! :)