

  • "Psychologists at Purdue University's Ingestive Behavior Research Center reported that relative to rats that ate yogurt sweetened with glucose (a simple sugar with 15 calories/teaspoon, the same as table sugar), rats given yogurt sweetened with zero-calorie saccharin later consumed more calories, gained more weight, put on…
  • This is good to know -- any recommendation on how much weight I should buy? (Caveat: I have kind of pathetic upper body strength.)
  • Okay, I *just* bought this today (on sale at Target for $9!) -- can any of you give me a good idea of what equipment I should get/use? Do I need a pair of hand weight or just one?
  • Yes! They are the best! I like that they have ingredients I actually recognize and understand.
  • Thanks so far everyone -- if I tried hand weights, any idea how much weight I should get? (I don't belong to a gym, so I'm probably just going to pick up a pair of weights from Target.) 5lbs or more like 15? I should add, I would like to have more upper body strength in the long run; I'm just thinking short-term goals in…
  • I am a very self-conscious cardio spaz. I have to exercise in a closed room without anyone seeing me to get things done.
  • Does the dough come out too sticky to knead by hand?
  • Wasa, Ryvita, or Kavli crispbread. I think that cheese tastes weird on regular bread.
  • Someone on another thread mentioned http://www.doyogawithme.com/yoga_classes -- looks like they've got a lot to try. Addendum: Hulu.com has a LOT of yoga and pilates and Netflix's online streaming has a couple. Oh, and YouTube but quality is a bit hit or miss.
  • "Complete protein" or "protein combining" is a myth that has been around for a long time now and has been pretty well debunked. [Ref: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0820/is_n211/ai_17010257/] As long as you're eating a well-rounded diet, your body will get all the various amino acids it needs, no matter when you…
  • Hulu.com has a lot of yoga programs you can watch online for for free. http://www.hulu.com/search?query=yoga&st=0&fs= Netflix, too, if you have a subscription with streaming video. http://movies.netflix.com/WiAltGenre?agid=6278
  • [waves] I have MVP (without regurgitation) as well and it definitely hinders my exercising. I think someone already said it's hard to tell sometimes what's the MVP and what's just being out of shape, but I definitely get the really uncomfortable/scary heart pounding if I walk/run/bike too fast. I also find that if I overdo…