

  • I would go sedentary... they are referring to your day without your exercise, because you will add that in as you do it and it will adjust your calories. If you are truly looking to stay on the safe side of guaranteed weight loss, overestimate the calories you are taking in slightly and underestimate the calories that you…
  • Okay, so everyone who said "wrong" right away might be thinking about whey protein in general. However, in the case of just whey protein, you shouldn't gain weight necessarily, but if you are liftin weights(probly the only time you would need extra protein) then you may gain weight but thin out as muscle is more dense and…
  • The default ratios for carbs, fat, and protein that are on myfitnesspal are good levels to go off of. You can change them if you like in the goal settings, bodybuilders will sometimes decrease their carbs and replace those calories with protein, so if you arent' getting the kind of results you like, one option to change it…
    in carbs! Comment by rsf218 August 2011
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