

  • Actually it's because vegetarians try to say "look... see that! You shouldn't eat any meat at all!" Which is rediculous. Why don't vegetarians say, "Eat meat in moderation. A little goes a long way!"?
  • Regarding the original post... The study casts red meat into question... not all meat.
  • Multivariate - definition: "relating to or used to describe a statistical distribution that involves a number of random but often related variables" Looks like they got it right...
  • I don't give myself a cheat day"because honestly, I haven't "outlawed" anything from my diet. I do try to make good decisions each meal. I try to choose healthy foods in managed portions. That said, if I want to have a beer or two, or an ice cream cone, or a couple of slices of pizza I do so without remorse or guilt and…
  • In several articles about the 'habits of thin people', it has been mentioned that they know what they weigh. Usually they do this by weighing themselves daily. This is neither an obsession nor a problem so long as you are using the information as a way to trend your weight loss efforts. You will naturally see some up and…
  • Weight can fluctuate somewhat from day to day. What you ate the day before affects how much water you retain and how much you weigh today. If you get dehydrated your body won't be as effective at burning calories. Get enough nutrition in so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. Also drink plenty of fluids to stay…
  • First of all, I would suggest you simply laugh at the silly ads and not worry about it. Some people don't want to hear that it is going to take hard work and dedication to lose weight. They'll learn the hard way that single products and quick fixes simply won't work. As for the add in the back window of the car, I'd be…