Meat and early mortality



  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member

    Do we know this for sure? I once read a study that claimed grass screams when it's cut.....
    There was also a recent study that found that plants measured for electrical impulses showed far more activity when person A walked into a room and went near than when person B did. Person B having been someone who watered the plants, and person A being the person who was told to walk into the room once a day for a number of days and pull leaves from them.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Wow. I can't believe the immaturity on this thread. If you don't trust the article or don't believe it, just let it go. This isn't a scare tactic, it isn't's a research finding. Take it with a grain of salt if you don't believe it.

    As a vegetarian, I'm very offended by some of the insensitive comments on here. The OP wasn't trying to push anything. If anything, she was just trying to share her opinion about the article. Notice how she only said 'ME' or 'MY'. She didn't tell anybody they should switch to any kind of diet.

    You know, since becoming a vegetarian, I've found omnivores to be more pushy/judgmental than any vegetarian or vegan I've ever met...and I've met some strange ones out there.

    Grow up, people.

    this was the OP's statement.

    This short video explains the results of the meat and early mortality

    It's pretty clear on what she's trying to imply here.
  • jleydon
    jleydon Posts: 7
    Actually it's because vegetarians try to say "look... see that! You shouldn't eat any meat at all!" Which is rediculous. Why don't vegetarians say, "Eat meat in moderation. A little goes a long way!"?
    From what I understand of the study, the reserachers recommend less than 1 pound of red meat per person, per week.

    If someone told you (general you, not anyone specific) that it was recommended to eat less than 1 pound of *cake* per person, per week. Everyone would say, "Well of course! Cake is bad for you. Eat in moderation. A little goes a long way!"

    But as soon as someone says you should limit your meat intake, people get super defensive about it. "You can take my meat over my cold dead body!"

    I wonder why that is... possibly because people understand that red meat isn't *really* good for you in the long run?

    No I think it's cause we LIKE red meat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Humans have been living long, healthy lives eating meat for thousands (and maybe even millions) of years.

    This study is biased and makes my head spin like the exorcist.

    What makes the study biased? I'm not talking about the video (haven't seen it because it's blocked at work) but the actual study. This is not the first study to show these or similar results.

    How much relation does what humans have been doing for millions of years really have to our lives today? We do different things, eat different things, drink different things and breathe different things. We and just about everything in our world is different than it was millions, or even thousands, of years ago.

    The human body may not evolve quickly, but the world it lives in certainly does.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes, Red Meat can kill. And a few years ago, peanut butter could give you cancer, as can plastic and microwaves. I do wish the vegetarian would come down off it's high horse, slaughter it, cook it and see that life isn't so bad as an omnivore. You never see that being pushed on anyone, and the OMG DONT EAT MEAT scares are a little rediculous.

    Actually, I am a vegetarian and have people trying to ridicule me and arguing that I should eat meat all the time. If someone wants to debate with me, I give them my reasons and will get into a 'healthy' arguement if necessary - but I never try to push my vegetarian ideals on meat eaters - I just wish they would offer me the same courtesy.

    Love the pic by the way!!
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member
    Wow. I can't believe the immaturity on this thread. If you don't trust the article or don't believe it, just let it go. This isn't a scare tactic, it isn't's a research finding. Take it with a grain of salt if you don't believe it.

    As a vegetarian, I'm very offended by some of the insensitive comments on here. The OP wasn't trying to push anything. If anything, she was just trying to share her opinion about the article. Notice how she only said 'ME' or 'MY'. She didn't tell anybody they should switch to any kind of diet.

    You know, since becoming a vegetarian, I've found omnivores to be more pushy/judgmental than any vegetarian or vegan I've ever met...and I've met some strange ones out there.

    Grow up, people.

    this was the OP's statement.

    This short video explains the results of the meat and early mortality

    It's pretty clear on what she's trying to imply here.

    What is so clear from that statement? It's the results of the meat study. Does it say 'This short video proves that meat is bad and you should stop eating it'? No. It doesn't.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Wow. I can't believe the immaturity on this thread. If you don't trust the article or don't believe it, just let it go. This isn't a scare tactic, it isn't's a research finding. Take it with a grain of salt if you don't believe it.

    As a vegetarian, I'm very offended by some of the insensitive comments on here. The OP wasn't trying to push anything. If anything, she was just trying to share her opinion about the article. Notice how she only said 'ME' or 'MY'. She didn't tell anybody they should switch to any kind of diet.

    You know, since becoming a vegetarian, I've found omnivores to be more pushy/judgmental than any vegetarian or vegan I've ever met...and I've met some strange ones out there.

    Grow up, people.

    this was the OP's statement.

    This short video explains the results of the meat and early mortality

    It's pretty clear on what she's trying to imply here.

    What is so clear from that statement? It's the results of the meat study. Does it say 'This short video proves that meat is bad and you should stop eating it'? No. It doesn't.

    If meat isn't bad and if she isn't pushing not eating meat (as a rabid veggie), then what IS the point of the article?
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member

    That was uncalled for and adds nothing of substance to the conversation.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,237 Member
    Also how come the Japanese (that eat raw meat/fish) are healthier?

    Indeed. I believe I remember reading/hearing statistics that the rate of cancer/heart disease/etc. is much lower in Japan and China despite the fact that they eat meat as well. Japan is mainly fish but Chinese food includes pork, beef, chicken, etc.
    Hey now...don't go throwing facts around this topic...

    Oh yeah sorry I forgot where I was :D
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member

    Sorry that isn't a good picture.. That girl wondered where the wings on a buffalo were.. Plus she liked Tony Romo.. Both two big BOOOOOOs in my book.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Oh boy...Here we go!
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member

    What is so clear from that statement? It's the results of the meat study. Does it say 'This short video proves that meat is bad and you should stop eating it'? No. It doesn't.

    If meat isn't bad and if she isn't pushing not eating meat (as a rabid veggie), then what IS the point of the article?

    I don't know, why don't you ask the researchers who actually conducted the article? How about the meat-eaters who started the conversation and brought up the article yesterday?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member

    You know, since becoming a vegetarian, I've found omnivores to be more pushy/judgmental than any vegetarian or vegan I've ever met...and I've met some strange ones out there.

    Totally agree
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    Humans have been living long, healthy lives eating meat for thousands (and maybe even millions) of years.

    This study is biased and makes my head spin like the exorcist.

    I agree, are the studying the effects of the meat, or is it the effects of the garbage pumped into the meat?
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    I am gonna have to agree with the "I am gonna die young and happy" - Kudos to the vegetarians, but this girl loves a medium well ribeye from time to time :)
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member

    What is so clear from that statement? It's the results of the meat study. Does it say 'This short video proves that meat is bad and you should stop eating it'? No. It doesn't.

    If meat isn't bad and if she isn't pushing not eating meat (as a rabid veggie), then what IS the point of the article?

    I don't know, why don't you ask the researchers who actually conducted the article? How about the meat-eaters who started the conversation and brought up the article yesterday?

    You seem to be speaking for the OP so why don't you take a crack at it?
  • FireTigerSoul
    FireTigerSoul Posts: 268 Member

    Okay, now you're just spamming the thread.
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,849 Member
    Isn't this a fantastic reason why we have groups? Why not post this in a vegetarian group...unless it's to try to convince people who eat meat that they shouldn't?