scale obsession

Luvilybri Posts: 19
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I feel like i need to go to therapy meetings. I am obsessed with weighing my self. Lol. I was weighing my self every day. I know it is not healthy lol. I had to stop that. I am trying to work my way up to 1x a week. Lol this is hard work. I almost wanna throw the thing away. People laugh at me cause I cant stop doing it. Am I crazy? Has anyone else done this?:blushing:


  • georgette70
    georgette70 Posts: 158
    Yep...I do's definitely a hard habit to break!! :smile:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Yes. I can sooooooo relate. I tend to have an obsessive side to me. Now I am focusing my obsession on trying to eat right and be healthy and balanced. I schedule a once a week weigh-in. Do I sneak a peak sometimes. Yup. I am usually sorry that I do because weight can fluctuate so due to salt, tom, etc. Try to weigh one a week or twice a month for a while. You might need to throw away the scale and weigh in elsewhere weekly. Do what is best for you.
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    i have struggled a LOT with my fitness focus creeping over into the "obsession category" lol. part of it is pre-disposed: my father suffers from severe OCD. and part of it is just because i'm such a control freak. but i've learned to pace myself and not get crazy. i do weigh myself every day but i don't consider it "obsessive" behaviour. i simply want to know as soon as possible if and when i start to plateau, or when i gain. my doctor is aware and has even agreed that this might be a good practice for some people. i feel like i'm one of them. don't rush to label yourself "obsessive" or "crazy" - when you start counting OTHER people's calories or get unusually angry or stressed out if you don't meet the goals you've set for yourself... that's when you might want to chillax.
  • rhstyles
    rhstyles Posts: 36
    I have the same "problem". I schedule to weigh in every Sunday and I do, but I also sneak and look at least once a day. I think I need to take the scale out of the bathroom...too much tempation. However, it backfired on me this week. Half way to my weigh in day I took a sneak peek and the scale said 2 pounds lighter yayy!! On my actual weigh in day the scale said I had gained 2 pounds. :devil: I have been walking and working my way up to running. (Actually alternating running and walking) Of course everyone says....your building muscle and blah blah blah lol I know that logically BUT I want a smaller number on the I know exactly how you feel....I am going to start checking my measurements to see if the muscle thing is actually true....maybe u should too.
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    im the same way! but to be honest thats what keeps pushing me everyday to eat healthy n continue losing the weight i have and its what works best for me! it doesnt bother me alltho they say not too but it helps keep me on track! im aware of the water weight gain thing n such dont beat ur self up if thats what works for you i just find that it keeps me on track everyday! :wink:
  • Shy1979
    Shy1979 Posts: 75
    I actually do weigh myself every morning, right after I wake up. And if I lost weight, I log it! Mentally it helps me a lot, because I usually see a loss or at least no gain, which means to me that I'm doing something right ... and I'm just that kind of person that needs that constant reminder why I'm doing this! So, I don't think you're crazy for weighing yourself every day ... you do what you have to, to reach your goal!
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    Girl - I weight myself every morning. It is the very first thing I do, EVERYDAY!

    I think it only becomes an obsession when you do it several times a day, after you eat, at night, after you go to the bathroom, etc.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    i used to keep the scale in front of my fridge...obsessed much? :laugh:

    i got down to once a day and now i'm trying for every other day. some days with better success...
  • amg5157
    amg5157 Posts: 52
    I broke my "scale obsession" only by replacing it with an "inches obsession" ... now I'm trying to get away from THAT!!
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    You are NOT crazy! A lot of people do it!!! It keeps you on track just make sure you do it once a day in the AM only cuz if your weighing yourself after every meal then thats not good!
  • pamw22
    pamw22 Posts: 77
    I like that idea AMG5157!!!
  • eschooft73
    eschooft73 Posts: 2
    I used to do the same thing. Now I make my husband take the scale to work with him and I only weigh myself on Sundays you can't weigh yourself if the scale is out of your house!
  • SashaS
    SashaS Posts: 7 Member
    In my case it really helps me stay motivated and take action. I am weighing myself daily since I started dieting and using the myfitnesspal program, and at least at first, the only way to really tell that the weight is coming off is through the scale cause my clothes still fit about the same. So seeing those numbers drop really makes it easier to eat salad while my son is eating a plate of pasta right next to me.

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  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I weigh every morning upon rising, after going to the bathroom, before dressing. I think it helps because if I go up, it renews my resolve to do better, make sure I drink enough, etc....
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I've been weighing myself daily (actually twice, once in the morning and once in the evening) and I think it's useful. I can see how my day-to-day eating and exercise is affecting my weight. I know I didn't drink enough water this weekend and my weight hasn't gone down in several days. It's at least helpful for me, as long as I don't let the little changes get me discouraged.
  • jschneider
    jschneider Posts: 41 Member
    I actually had my mother hide my scale....I have not weighed in all month...and it makes me crazy...but not as crazy as weighing myself 5 times a day ...I was driving myself absolutly crazy...the scale flucuates so much throughout the day...and I was becoming obsessed and sometimes depressed by the I decided to weigh myself at the end of the month...and I think that is allowing me many others focus more on eating healthy and exercising rather than focusing on the dreadful numbers....if at the end of the month I haven't lost opinion on this matter may
  • jleydon
    jleydon Posts: 7
    In several articles about the 'habits of thin people', it has been mentioned that they know what they weigh. Usually they do this by weighing themselves daily. This is neither an obsession nor a problem so long as you are using the information as a way to trend your weight loss efforts. You will naturally see some up and down movement to your weight. That is normal. But...if you get on the scale and see and extra pound or two and then feel like you have to starve yourself to get rid of it, then you are using the information wrong and are probably obsessed. Weigh yourself each morning shortly after waking up, after you pee but before you eat or drink anything. This is what is called your "dry weight". You can use the dry weight as a fairly accurate measure of what you body has done from the previous day. As long as your TREND over time is generally downward there is no reason to get upset by small periodic spikes of a couple of pounds. This is just one nurse's opinion.
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    eh i don't see the problem with it. I like to see what my body is doing daily. i don't feel like I'm obsessed. I don't take my scale with me everywhere I go (although I did consider bringing with me last time i went out of town only because i would have been there on my official weigh in day.)
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    once a day is not obsessed. some people like to see if they are on track from day to day and it's okay if it works for you.

    I was doing it twice a week.....then all of a sudden I was weighing myself 20+ x a day it became crazy and I would get so angry throughout the day when the scale would go up (due to food and water) and I'd "punish" myself by drinking insane amounts of water which would make me heavier and the cycle would repeat and it made me soooo stressed.

    I've now stopped that and I limit my weigh ins to 1x per week (or at least I'm trying to!!)
  • gdivant
    gdivant Posts: 19 Member
    I agree! I don't think once daily is obsessed - unless it's causing you to become totally fixated. Then maybe you should limit to a few times a week. I tend to weigh myself every other day. If I go longer than a week - I get a little anxious about what the scale might say the next time I step on in. In the past I've tended to gain weight when I stopped weighing myself several times a week.

    So don't feel bad about a once a day habit! :)
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