

  • Hi everyone! I'm Maddie and I'm so happy to see this group!! I was diagnosed with Juvenile RA when I was 18 months old. My symptoms were pretty horrible as a kid, but around 15-ish, things started to get better. Or maybe I just got used to it...? :) I still have bad days about once a week, more so lately. No major flare…
  • Love it! Can't wait to see what you find out.
  • billsica - hahahaha! I'm a tanning bed user, so I'm used to laser beams :smile: BeautifulScars - Thats what I was thinking. It might be something worth doing on my off days from my usual gym routine. TWT, Really? I was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis when I was 18 months old. Don't have a lot of pain anymore…
  • If you find out, let me know! I took lunch at 1:30 and had a PB & J sandwich. Now my tummy is all grumbly again. So frustrating. I know I shouldn't be hungry.
  • Yay!! Thanks you guys! I'm excited. Its great to have a support system. We can do it! :)