

  • It's not a movie, but in my opinion the True Blood series on HBO is actually much more exciting and richer in characterization than the original Sookie Stackhouse novels.
  • I had bone spurs as well, but opted for orthodics and stretching. Although it was painful at first, I found that most of the pain was from the knotted muscles - my podiatrist explained to me that the spurs were growing because my arches were falling with weight and age, and my bones were trying to accomodate the length of…
  • All I can say is that the MFP calorie goal, as challenging as it sometimes is to maintain, WORKS. :happy:
  • I put ben-gay on my lower back when it gets really bad. It penetrates to relax those painful cramping muscles surrounding the uterus and really helps with some of the unnecessary muscle tension. There is also a new Motrin EXTENDED RELEASE that I love, because regular pain relievers generally last only a couple of hours for…
  • Thanks so much! I'll look into that. It sounds like a good one for me. I'm a beginner at this whole thing.
  • This isn't an answer to your question... but I have a question of my own. What kind of HRM did you purchase? Are you happy with it? I am looking for one but I don't know the first thing about what to buy.
  • Hi Greg, I have never replied to a post before, but your situation is similar to mine so here goes. My husband and I were both considering weight loss surgery when I found MFP as a result of the food journaling we learned to do in nutrition counseling (this is so much easier than keeping track of everything on paper).…