

  • wow! I am surprised by that harris970. I was taking AG for about a year on auto ship and cancelled without any problem at all. Let me say that it was only the cost that was the reason for the cancellation. I really love the product and have recently re-ordered it. More energy is the first thing I noticed along with better…
  • Day 5 for me (RI30) after my 2nd 12 hr shift in a row. I wasn't as tired today, had a rare easy night at work. And I did week 1 today and I am so proud to say that I was able to complete every exercise without stopping! For the first time! Now I am able to work a little more on form and squatting lower etc. since my…
    in Day 4 Comment by pattyp9983 May 2012
  • I just completed, well, what for me is day 4 I guess since I started on Monday. (RI30) I'm on the 2nd day of week 2 as I am alternating with 1 and 2. It was very hard to keep going today. It was the first time I actually attempted the DVD after working my 12 hour night shift, and of course we were pretty busy for most of…
  • I just finished day 3, I'm RI30 and am alternating between week 1 and week 2. I was doing week 1 again today and did pretty good. Each time I do it is easier, okay so not "easier", it still sucks, but it's suppose to right? Anyway I am a little worried about doing it tomorrow since I have to work tonight and will be doing…
    in Day 2 Comment by pattyp9983 May 2012
  • Thanks guys! I think I did it right! So cool!
  • You can do it! It will get easier the more you do it! Don't worry if you have to stop a few times, catch your breath then get back to it!!
  • I just finished the ripped in 30 week 2 workout. I figured I'd switch it up and do week 2 today since I did week 1 yesterday and then I won't be doing the exact same workout 2 days in a row. I've done the week 1 a handful of times and I'm doing pretty good at it so I thought I give week 2 a try. Boy does that suck! Sorry…
  • So I am just about to do my 2nd day of ripped in 30 and I wanted to let you know that the workout recomendations on the dvd are to progress through the levels at your own pace (there are 4 in this one) and to workout 5-6 days a week. I plan to do cardio on the off day, will shoot for either 5 or 6 days of Jillian! That…
  • I was wondering the same thing! I'm doing ripped in 30 but sounds like they are very similar. I did it yesterday and my arms are a bit sore from the flys (2) so I was wondering how doing the same exercises for 1 week straight without any rest, is that good for the muscles? My husband weight trains 6 days a week and he…
  • Hi all! It is very hard for me to get through the video (it has what? 3- 2 min sections of cardio?) and then not be so whipped to be able to do more cardio! Weird I know since I can do 30 mins of cardio on the elliptical with no problem! So not sure if I can do any more than the dvd. Also I am doing the ripped in 30 dvd,…
  • Please send me an invite too! I started Ripped in 30 today (Monday). I have done it a few times here and there but have never done it like a 30 day thing. This will keep me going! I am also doing nutrisystem and am doing well with that. I just got a fitbit and have linked it to this site so it is on!!
  • Hi! I need some more friends on here too! I lost some weight using this app in the summer, but then got sidetracked since I had an illness and had to go on steroids. If you've ever had to go on steroids, you know how much it makes you want to eat! So I gave up for a while. But now I'm almost off of them and I'm back at it!…