

  • I'm sure you'll be able to do it. Cuba sounds like amazing motivation. I'm going to Rhodes next year which gave me the push to start - bikinis are scary things! :smile: But feel free to add me. I'm from the UK too, I've been on here for nearly 2 weeks I think. Good luck!
  • Like everyone else said, whatever tickles your pickle! I made one this morning that was delish - half a cup of frozen berries, handful of ice cubes, a medium peach (skin off), table spoon of natural yoghurt, flax oil, a handful of spinach and about 200ml of natural lemon and lime juice. Perfect!
  • I'd love to join in with this as my first challenge, but I have no idea what all this team talk is! So I'll just watch and join in from the sidelines. Good luck everyone :smile: