

  • All great ideas guys. Thanks!
  • Oh, thats good! Taking money out of the jar....I like that! Thanks :-)
  • OMG! I am in a very similiar situation with my hubs. I told him I wanted to join the gym and lets start eating better and he was all for it....that was last october. He has not been to the gym once since we joined. He is a hotel GM and just opened a brand new hotel and has been working crazy long days. Since all the…
  • I love chocolate as well. I buy a bag of hershey kisses (I like the dark chocolate). It less than 100 calories for 3 kisses and that is just the perfect amount to meet my craving :-)
  • Oh man! Thats gonna be a tough one, lol....No juice I can do with, but the soda.....IDK about! I only have one a day and I need the caffiene to get thru my 10 hour shift,lol.
  • I would like to join as well! Was doing really good and I have had loss of motivation and started gaining back what I lost. CW:184 GW:145 I am going to a wedding in 1 month and I would like to get down to 170...or as close as I can!
  • When I first started I was at 1200 calories also and I was always going over, which discouraged me and I gave up. When I decided to start over, I changed my calorie intake to 1500 which is much easier to stay under. I eat what I want but in moderation and I have one "splurge" day a week. I try not to go totally crazy, but…
  • I had a nectarine this morning (which I hadnt had in a while)
  • Well my first thing is that I have cut back on the junk, but not totally cut it becasue. I have done this becasue if I totally forbid myself from having something, it makes me want it more and then when I do have it, I go crazy!!! So splurging once in a while is better for me. Also I have started making time for ME, rather…
  • No meat for breakfast (cereal and strawberries) and Im craving a salad so that will be lunch.....going to try to keep it meatless. Not sure what we will do for dinner yet, so 2 out of 3 meals for the day isn't bad!!
  • I was doing 1200 cals when I started also and I got so frustrated becasue I was starving and then was always going over. It made me loose motivation and I didnt log in for like 3 months. So I decided to bump my cals to 1500 and I have to say that helped so much. Maybe it was psychological, but just knowing that I had more…
  • Where do I find the info on what this challenge consist of?
  • Holy cow that looks scary, lol.....I want to join with u guys but Im having a hard time staying focused so Im not saying yes offically but I will log in try and keep up with it :-)
  • I enjoy eating at Subway. However even when you are being good, its really not that good! ANd when they give you a hard time about the veggies you want on your sandwich that really erks I limit my visits! I went the other day and got swiss and veggies w/the onino sauce and it was like 700 cals. Not worth it for me
  • Here we go......Im 5'4" SW is 195 GW is 145 Hips-46 Waist-41 Hips- 46 Haven't come up with a solid workout plan yet, but the goal is to do my cardio (walk the dog) every morning and then do 3 times of a week of cardio/weight training or a workout DVD. I really have high hopes of being able to do a 5K soon! Here's to…
  • Im in but I have a minor problem, scale is still packed!