cedarparkmom Member


  • HI there, I read your post and I've totally been there! I know what you're going through and I think the other posters are right. Get the support you need through here and even if you "mess up" and eat what you shouldn't, we'll all be here for you. Also, if you haven't already, get your thyroid checked. I was doing all the…
  • I have the F6, I LOVE IT!!! Just make sure you get all the settings correct when you start so that you're getting an accurate reading!! WOO HOO! GO YOU!
  • Hi, I"m a big fan of Juice Plus Complete. I love the fact that I'm getting 17 different fruits and veggies in the smoothie mix. They have chocolate and vanilla flavors. You can even make protein bars with the chocolate.
  • Hey there, Yes, my scale is not moving very well, but I'm at the point where I really don't care! I've gone from a 16 to a 12 in jeans, so I will take that as a success. Congrats on your skinny jeans. Unfortunately, I didn't measure when I started my weight loss journey....really wish I would have because I'm seeing alot…
  • Hey there, Welcome to MFP!! I'm a mom of 4 boys, so I totally feel ya on the weight gain thing with kiddos!! Hope you have a great journey forward! All my best!
  • See, though....the point is that YOU LOOKED and now you know you can do better!! Great job recognizing where you're going wrong. Hang in there...all good things in time!
  • Loved your post this morning....so insightful. Have a wonderful day!!