Could really really use support....

Hi everyone,

I could really use some support. I am 35 and about 60 pounds overweight. I have been trying to eat right and follow meal plans and exercise for the past two years. I am my own worst enemy and am always setting myself up for failure. More than anything, I want to be healthy and lose weight. I will do okay for a couple days but then I struggle so much with wanting that instant satisfaction or relief if you want to call it that, from something "bad". I have an amazing partner and she loves me and encourages me iethout pushing me. I also am working with a trainer t the gym and I recently joined a diet center to have a specific meal plan. But even with all of that, I still eat what I shouldn't. I am trying to figure out why I keep giving up on myself. Tomorrow I see a therapist again to help me figure it out, but any additional support will be very appreciated.

The main reason I want to lose weight is to be healthy for my 7 year old, but I also really want to seriously consider getting pregnant. I don't want these extra 60 pounds to stand in the way of a healthy pregnancy and baby.

I look forward to getting to know you all.


  • warnerl1
    warnerl1 Posts: 25
    Hi! My name is Lindsay :smile: I just joined this site a few days ago and I love it already! My advice would be to really make the best out of the food section because I also struggle with eating this I know I shouldn't. I live with my boyfriend and two other roommates and I am lucky enough that they all are trying to eat better with me. My biggest challenge is when I see something I want and then telling myself I can't have it. So mainly I try to keep things like chocolate, pop, and other yummy items out of my house entirely. If it's not here I can't eat it. The second thing I did was talk to the strength coach for my college football team. He gave me a daily eating plan that works wonders for me. I eat 5 times a day and am never hungry in between (which has eliminated my snacking). I would love to tell you more about it if you are interested. It sounds to me like you are definitely on the right track and have a great support system. Believe in yourself I'm sure you can do it!
  • mylittleguys
    mylittleguys Posts: 26 Member
    Add me as a friend. We could support each other..just think of it this is progress not perfection. I do my fitness and diet just one step at a time.
  • cedarparkmom
    cedarparkmom Posts: 9 Member
    HI there,
    I read your post and I've totally been there! I know what you're going through and I think the other posters are right. Get the support you need through here and even if you "mess up" and eat what you shouldn't, we'll all be here for you. Also, if you haven't already, get your thyroid checked. I was doing all the right things and could not get the weight to come off. If your body is not making the right hormones, it makes all the difference!

    Good luck in all your endeavors and remember, YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Hugs girl.

    Add me too if you'd like....cedarparkmom
  • 426mypo
    426mypo Posts: 1
    Hello!! I am almost in the same boat as yourself. I am 30lbs over weight and would really love to lose it all but like you, I would do good for a week but when I stepped on the scale and it hadnt moved an inch, I would get upset and then eat all the wrong foods followed by a pint of icecream:tongue: ! Well my loving and supportive husband would always send me pictures of fitness models as encouragement to work out and stick to the plan, well it just made me more upset. So what I think is working for me the most now is this app, and the fact that I took a picture of myself with just underwear and a bra on and I keep it on me at all times to remind myself "Do you want to look like this forever" and then it keeps me on track. Scale hasnt moved yet but I am getting a lot better in this "diet" thing. Dont worry, its not easy but it gets better, especially once we start to see some progress. Good luck! :bigsmile: