MarkLee0901 Member


  • I've lost about 80 lbs in 16 months using MyFitnessPal. It get asked all the time how did I do it. My advice for starting is always buy a food scale and become OCD. When it comes to logging put down everything you put in you mouth including condiments. There should never be something you are our drank that's not accounted…
  • Thanks ill add you.
  • Thank's everyone, today's workout was not so good. I was discouraged and had no enthusiasm after waking up this morning to yet another day with no weight loss/gain even though I managed to stay under my caloie goal. I'll stay positive and try not to second guess what I've been doing. My weight goal hasn't been updated…
  • I included snacks. I only eat meat once for dinner. and nothing is cooked in oil(George Forman gill). I just starting back and I haven't yet purchased protein although it wont add much.
  • Very Nice! keep it goining
  • Same here. I eat 6 times a day and I am still coming in a few hundred calories below my goal. I stopped drinking so much coffee after finding out I was getting 800 calories per day from it and now I'm finding it hard to reach my calorie goal. I assumed this would result in more weight loss. I always thought less better.