Looking for Advice

Hello Myfitnesspal users. I’ve been using the APP for just over 30 day’s but I’m still new to this. I have been losing weight but my losses have slowed significantly. I weigh myself every day and my weight average is up 0.2 pounds for the past 3 days . I don’t know if I should alter my diet/exercise plan and would love some advice.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Your weight is going to fluctuate up and down from day to day. It can be due to various factors--diet, exercise, etc. I weigh myself each day but only log it once a week, on the same day under the same conditions (Sunday morning first thing after using the restroom.) It's good to be aware of the fluctuations but don't let them bug you too much. (FWIW, I've been up and down 3 lbs this week. ) Just stay the course :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    :heart: Weight – So many things can affect weight, because of this it shouldn’t be the only way you track your progress. Things to keep in mind:
    :drinker: Always use the same scale – Different scales can show different weights. You will get the most accurate number for tracking when using the same scale.
    :drinker: Don’t move the scale – Carpet, uneven flooring, different types of flooring…can all affect the weight on the scale. So when you weigh, you want it to be approximately the same spot for the most accurate number for tracking.
    :drinker: 3500 calories – To gain 1lb of fat you need to be over maintenance by 3500 calories.
    :drinker: Muscle Repair – Muscles will hold onto water to repair, because of this it is not uncommon to see a gain for a little while after a workout. This weight comes right back off when they are done repairing.
    :drinker: Sodium – Can cause you to retain water. This can also be amplified if you don’t drink enough to flush it out of your system. This is also another reason for temporary weight gain.
    :drinker: Water – Not drinking enough water can actually cause you to retain water. Recommended amount is 8 cups or 64oz. I drink 64 oz to 128 oz of water a day. It doesn’t have to be plain water either. I like to flavor mine with crystal light or tea.
    :drinker: Time of day – Your weight can fluctuate throughout the day. So for the most accurate tracking, you want to weigh at around the same time.
    :drinker: Frequency – This is up to you, but if small fluctuations bother you than only weigh once a week or less.
    :drinker: Lightest Weight – Will be naked, first thing in the morning, after using the bathroom
    :drinker: Multiple times a Day – Don’t Do It. As I said before, your weight will fluctuate throughout the day. What you eat, what you’re wearing, ect will all affect weight.
    :drinker: Clothes – If you weigh with clothing on, keep in mind that the scale will show your weight plus the weight of your clothes. (Jeans are heavy)
    :drinker: TOM - A lot of women will retain water around their TOM, but its just temporary and will go away.

    This is a chart I made last year (using my own weigh ins) that shows day to day fluctuations. Notice how the overall trend is down:

    Measurements are better for tracking progress.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Normal losses are 0.5-2 lbs per week. That being said, it is common to have weeks where you gain or stall. If it has been working so far, I wouldn't mess with it yet. If your ticker is correct, you have lost 12 lbs in a month. That is higher than normal, and is not uncommon when first starting out, but it will slow down. Also, if you ticker is correct you only have 38lbs left to lose, you should only be aiming for about a pound a week. This will enable you to protect the lean mass you have (muscle, organ, bone) along the way. Don't be in too much of a hurry. I know it's hard to be patient, but you are doing just fine.
  • MarkLee0901
    MarkLee0901 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank's everyone, today's workout was not so good. I was discouraged and had no enthusiasm after waking up this morning to yet another day with no weight loss/gain even though I managed to stay under my caloie goal. I'll stay positive and try not to second guess what I've been doing. My weight goal hasn't been updated since I downloaded the app a few years ago. I used itt for a week and never opened it again until recently. I'll Update my weight loss goal from 50 to 100 pounds.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Good for you for making big goals! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • MarkLee0901
    MarkLee0901 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks ill add you.