

  • Woohoo nerds rule! (I am one so I know :P). Omg I love to draw and watch anime too. Nerd-five! (<-- a nerdier version of a high five often in the hand form of spock)
  • playing guitar, martial arts, drawing, reading... does sleeping count?
  • Yeah I know how it feels to be unmotivated. Something that always helps me get on track is thinking of the possibilities of losing weight. For example, I dream of getting a belly button piercing, a tattoo on my shoulder, and just maybe, to be able to wear a bikini one day without looking like a bigger freak than I am now.…
  • thanks for understanding. i wanna thank everone for replying to my post because i was worried that no one would respond. im going to see the school counciler on monday. you have no idea how loved i feel right now because of you guys :heart:
  • thx. i will try that. :wink:
  • the hardest thing about losing weight is sticking with it. you have to remind your self how much you really want it. my fitness pal is a great way to constantly keep you on track (or as i like to call it... the yellow brick road). you wouldn't believe how many delicious and healthy foods there are to try. Here is one: 200…
  • if your a music person, you should try turbo jam. you can lose more than 1000 cal. an hour! i haven't tried it yet, but i will soon!
  • thank you so much! i think i am going to get this now. i :heart: music. i even play guitar. hopefully turbo jam will change my life!:bigsmile:
  • thx:flowerforyou: