

  • Thanks everyone. To answer some of the questions: the pain is behind and slightly above my knee caps, and if it makes a difference, it started abruptly after I used the "trailblazer" setting on the treadmill, so I think it may have been the incline that brought it on, because I always ran with no incline before that and…
  • I'll bet there was no phone call and the cops were just looking for an excuse to talk to you two lovely ladies. I used to work closely with police and that kind of thing would not have surprised me from any of the male cops I knew. ;-)
  • Wow, everyone really is so supportive here - thanks! My calorie goal is hard. Without exercise, it's 1200/day. So I HAVE to exercise every day because there's no way I won't go over that! (That is for 2 lbs/week - when I saw how low it was, I tried changing to 1 lb/week, but then it was 1240 - what am I going to do with…