Who knew exercise could possibly get you arrested.......no s



  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    I love it when cops ask questions that they know they don't have justification for. So irritating.

    I was in our apartment pool one time and 2 cops walked in and started asking me all kinds of questions. They had no justification... it was goofy.
    > Me
    "Why are you in here?" - Just going for a swim....
    "Do you live here?" - Yes, but is that relevant?
    "Whats your apartment number?" - Why do you want to know? Have I done something wrong?
    "Why aren't you cooperating?" - Because you have no justification to harass me...

    lol.... I asked if I did anything wrong and why they were grilling me, and why they wanted to know so much.

    Don't get me wrong, I am all in support of Police, and think you should cooperate when possible... but what the hell.

    cops make so much sense!! ♥ them.

    If they had been hot female cops, it would have been a different story... but they were aggressive male cops. Not my type ;)
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Obviously the myfitnesspal has been working and you are so hot the cops are now stopping you to check you out!
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Obviously the myfitnesspal has been working and you are so hot the cops are now stopping you to check you out!
    Hahaha LOVE THIS!!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    That would make me mad and I would walk up and down 3 times a day. lol Don't let the grumps of the world win.

    I agree. Not only are they being busy bodies, but they are wasting police resources which your tax money pay for on frivolous things like this. They need to get a life. I would keep walking at night, and ignore them. For that matter I would probably write a letter to the editor of the local paper telling the story and reminding people that a call to the police costs us all both in the time and money it costs for that officer to come out, but also in that instead of patrolling elsewhere where an actual suspicious person or potential criminal activity was going on, he was forced because of that frivolous call to bother you two women out on your walk.
  • Leslie2273
    Leslie2273 Posts: 152 Member
    That cracks me up but if he was a cop worth his salt he should have warn up just to be careful & give you a hard time.
  • mdfeller
    mdfeller Posts: 135
    Too funny!
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Way too funny...needed a good laugh this morning...thanks!

    I'd continue to walk outside at that time and keep that person on their toes! Morons.
  • That is funny and disturbing all the same. Only in America would people exercising seem suspicious. Jeez.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    SAME thing happened to me .. except:

    I was with my buddy (6'8" and about 450lbs and I was 6'0" and about 300 at the time) when the motorcycle cop pulls onto the sidewalk and "burps" his siren at us. I thought he was a friend of my buddy as he knows a lot of law enforcement people because he works at the casino, so when the cop asked us what we were doing .. I responded ...

    What? Can't 2 fat guys walk on the sidewalk??

    Of course, when I saw my buddies face, I realized he didn't know the cop. OOPS! LOL

    Anyway, I verified my name and address and we were allowed to carry on. My buddy ripped me a new one for the rest of the walk however! ROFL
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    SAME thing happened to me .. except:

    I was with my buddy (6'8" and about 450lbs and I was 6'0" and about 300 at the time) when the motorcycle cop pulls onto the sidewalk and "burps" his siren at us. I thought he was a friend of my buddy as he knows a lot of law enforcement people because he works at the casino, so when the cop asked us what we were doing .. I responded ...

    What? Can't 2 fat guys walk on the sidewalk??

    Of course, when I saw my buddies face, I realized he didn't know the cop. OOPS! LOL

    Anyway, I verified my name and address and we were allowed to carry on. My buddy ripped me a new one for the rest of the walk however! ROFL
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Uhh...If I had seen 2 people walking up and down my street over and over with heavy objects in their hands, I would have called too! Remember people, not everyone lives in "nice" areas.
  • I'll bet there was no phone call and the cops were just looking for an excuse to talk to you two lovely ladies. I used to work closely with police and that kind of thing would not have surprised me from any of the male cops I knew. ;-)
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    I used to work in a not-so-nice area. It had several families in the area, and during one summer I started walking on my lunch breaks. It may seem weird to some, but a couple of the parents talked with me, just to get to know me a little bit. I can't blame them for taking precautions to make sure their children are safe.

    I'd prefer to have a police officer or resident talk to me because I'm walking back and forth and find out I'm exercising instead of them ignoring someone who's trying to find an easy mark to break into.

    Still, it is funny. ^_^
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member

    2 women with water bottles or 2 fat guys in shorts who are already out of breath ... scares you?

    That's the exact point of the OPs post ... what times we live in when you can walk on a public sidewalk without having the police called.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    So this story (true story) is to good to pass up sharing.

    Last night -- around 10 pm - I hadnt made it to the gym but wanted to get my exercise in for the day, after talking with my work out buddy we decided that we would go for a walk around my house - We start out walking down my street, we walk all the way to the other end and decide to turn back towards home.....this took about 15 minutes....we start walking back home after reaching the end - when we notice a car coming towards us...a completely normal event since we were walking down the street, but the lights on this car are bright and the car is going awfully slowly, it get closer and slower - we realize it is a cop car. It gets to us and stops, and thats where it began,

    Cop- Where are you girls coming from
    Us- we just went for a walk
    Cop- Where do you live
    Me- I live at the other end of this street
    Cop- What is your name
    Me- Corrie
    Cop- What is your address
    Me- 29
    Cop- Someone called you in as suspicious, you're ok to go
    Me- too shocked for words

    Oh yes people -- apparently two girls walking down the street with water bottles in their hands is a suspicious act....... I'm going to the gym from now on!!
    Well the positive thing is that someone in your neighborhood had an eye out. But the sad thing is that they don't know you live there.
  • mags2504
    mags2504 Posts: 275
    Ha ha, atleast you have neibourhood watch, even if you didn't know it. My husband and I had fallen out years ago, even years before we married. We were driving around (we live in the country anyway). I was really upset and sobbing so stopped driving. Next thing we know the police were knocking on the window. A farmer had reported us thinking we were stealing the sheep. It was soo funny. Really cheered me up and i think we actually forgot what we had fallen out about.
  • jfinnivan
    jfinnivan Posts: 360 Member
    They're just doing their jobs.
    A friend was driving one day, and his wife was in the passenger seat. She was ill, and opened her door to throw up (sorry). Just as she did, they drove by a police car. They didn't see the vomit, but did see a woman opening a the car door in a moving vehicle. The immediately pulled him over, had him get out of the car, and questioned her alone. They wanted to makes sure she wasn't being kidnapped or abused. Once they were sure everything was OK, they politely said good night, and were on their way.
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member
    Uhh...If I had seen 2 people walking up and down my street over and over with heavy objects in their hands, I would have called too! Remember people, not everyone lives in "nice" areas.
    We live ina very safe area!! It's the "rich" area no trouble ever.......... we were just walking.......
  • CorrieV1976
    CorrieV1976 Posts: 320 Member

    2 women with water bottles or 2 fat guys in shorts who are already out of breath ... scares you?

    That's the exact point of the OPs post ... what times we live in when you can walk on a public sidewalk without having the police called.
    Exactly!!! and my fiance is a Corrections Officer at a Max security prison and we are (he is)part of the Police Union......I'm 5'2 and overweight what exactly am I going to do in that neighbourhood....I couldnt run from a cop if I tried......