In our country we do not have a habit of eating peanut butter. And when for first time I tried it, I was like oh, yuck. lol But I do have big problem with chocolate. The way I do now to restrict it - not having any chocolate in the house. I eat a 1 chocolate bar a week or so, just to not crave too much.
I cannot drink the natural juice undiluted, home made or not, I just can't. The taste is too strong, too concentrated, so I use 1/3 juice then for the rest of the glass I pour water. This is how I drink my orange juice. If you got a yard, keep some chickens there. Feed them grass and left over from your meals. Let them…
Less salt/sodium, less - fast food. Fast food contains lots of sodium additives. - also look for a drug that contain those substances - Diosmin + Hesperidin. Those substances help the lymphatic circulation from the legs, and venous circulation. We have in my country a drug called up Detralex, but I do not know the…