Toxic Apple Juice here in America



  • aclark6818
    aclark6818 Posts: 209 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew
    Or Red Bull when MD isn't available.

    TOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!! Love it!!!
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    Totally not true, my boyfriend got an email from a coworker who had a cousin who read a news article from their brother about a missing dog and that dog belonged to somebody whose mother in law had a neighbor who totally died from a combination of arsenic in apple juice and a tomahawk to the head.

    Today you win the internetz. Everyone else log off.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew
    You guys probably aren't aware of this because the Corn syrup has already eaten your brain with its corn syrup parasites, but mountain dew and volt are loaded with corn syrup. What you really should be drinking is Straight black coffee.

    Giving your kids straight black coffee is the safest most nutritional all natural liquid they can drink as the caffeine stimulates brain activity and metabolisms. The hype about it stunting your growth is a dumb wives tale Err Old wife one or the other.

    BUT - NOT DD coffee... I was just told by my SIL that they coat their beans in lard... to make them shiny. Def. go for Starshmucks. Their coffee has LOTS of caffeine in it.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Dr Oz is a quack. All processed foods are mostly crap. Obviously, the mainstream more mass produced ones are worse. If you want healthier go for natural/organic products. Just try to stick to fresh food from nature and you're set. Apple juice is super easy to make and when you make it, you know what is in it. Simple as that.

  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    Want proof that arsenic is in your apple juice? Look really closely at the palm of your hand. Really close. Right under the that line that's shaped like a 7. Do you see it? Someone wrote GULLIBLE right there. Proof.
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    I buy "simply."
    omg. the Simply Lemonade is to die for. A little Parrot Bay... some crushed strawberries... *heaven*

    Yes we are yes we are!!
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    Dr. Oz... doesn't he come on after Springer?

    yep and Jerry Springer really helps people get their relationships back on track!! Just like Dr. Phil can fix any problem and Maury's lie detector machine is ALL KNOWING.
  • trini14
    trini14 Posts: 110 Member
    Precisly why I only let my kids drink Mountain Dew

    LOL, love it!!
  • cindaroses
    Makes me want to go out & buy my own seeds
    and plant a garden so I KNOW EXACTLY what goes
    into my food.
    While i'm at it i'd better start saving money for
    the cattle ranch, pig farm & chicken coop.

    I feel the same way... I even asked someone about raising chickens... sounds a little complicated/messy. I know you can "buy a cow". And have it slaughtered and then you put it all in your freezer. I have wondered if that wouldn't be a bad way to go.

    I have chickens. They aren't complicated or too messy as long as you have enough room for them and practice good husbandry.
  • tipareth
    I cannot drink the natural juice undiluted, home made or not, I just can't. The taste is too strong, too concentrated, so I use 1/3 juice then for the rest of the glass I pour water. This is how I drink my orange juice.

    If you got a yard, keep some chickens there. Feed them grass and left over from your meals. Let them free in the yard, and in the night get them a little wood cottage/shelter. They know how to go to sleep alone, you only have to shut the door after them, and open in the morning. From time to time a cleaning in their cottage. Also from time to time vitamins, and if they are sick call the vet.

    They will lay fresh eggs everyday. This is how we made in Romania, is so levelly to see them in the yard, and the rooster wakes you every morning with his chant. :-)

    Another benefit is that you don;t have to throw so many left overs, chickens got a high appetite for almost everything. Of course they enjoy grains ( organic ones ) and green grass, fruits but they are very happy with left overs too.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    what do the chickens chant in Romania? Cause in the USA they Chant stuff like "Hell No We Wont Go" Wait you you said the roosters chant. not chickens
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I cannot drink the natural juice undiluted, home made or not, I just can't. The taste is too strong, too concentrated, so I use 1/3 juice then for the rest of the glass I pour water. This is how I drink my orange juice.

    If you got a yard, keep some chickens there. Feed them grass and left over from your meals. Let them free in the yard, and in the night get them a little wood cottage/shelter. They know how to go to sleep alone, you only have to shut the door after them, and open in the morning. From time to time a cleaning in their cottage. Also from time to time vitamins, and if they are sick call the vet.

    They will lay fresh eggs everyday. This is how we made in Romania, is so levelly to see them in the yard, and the rooster wakes you every morning with his chant. :-)

    Another benefit is that you don;t have to throw so many left overs, chickens got a high appetite for almost everything. Of course they enjoy grains ( organic ones ) and green grass, fruits but they are very happy with left overs too.

    The city I live in has an ordinance against keeping any kind of livestock or barn animal. No chickens, goats, pigs, cows, or etc in the city limits. Not in your yard or in your house. A woman recently got "caught" with a pet pot belly pig in her apartment. They confiscated the pig and gave her a huge fine. So keeping chickens isn't reasonable for everyone.