H20 H20 and more H20 sometimes w/ couple slices of orange Unsweetened Ice Tea White wine Friday night Red wine Sat night 1 cup of coffee in the a.m. w/ fat free French vanilla ( I will not give that up)
Saving this recipe! Thanks for sharing
If you are willing and able to spend the $....look into TITLE 9 women's sportswear. They have some awesome sports bra's ....but be prepared to spend $50. Good Luck! (I also found a sports bra w/ built in underwire at Walmart for $12.)
Looks like my schedule and my hubby travels weekly!!
No I don't wear my rings to the gym.....while lifting they get in the way and it was also recommended from my jeweler that I don't.
*Low Fat Cottage cheese goes so well with cukes and red and yellow peppers...I also use it on baked potatoes instead of butter or margarine, actually its really good and makes a wonderful lunch! I love the Fiber One low fat cottage cheese it even has fiber in it- and you can also sprinkle in some Chia seeds!
Not buying any!!!!!! My kids love the thin mints and so do I, and if they are in this house they will be calling me from the freezer.
I would try Spinach first. My sister has a food dehydrator and I''ve had her kale chip and they''re pretty darn good.
Red Wine
Hiked the Grand Canyon...then had a cold frosty beer...Unforgettable!
OSU!!!!!!!!!! GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep moving and take Advil or Aleve if you can't stand it.
Cucumbers, red and yellow peppers....YUM!!!!!!!
Hello, I love to ride and just reached 1,000 miles YAY!!!! Living in Ohio, when I can't ride outside I Spin. However, this past winter was so mild we were able to ride in Feb. and March. =)
IN !!!
The incredible shrinking stomach!! Keep it up and as always: Hi 5 !!
Vodka on the rocks with a squeeze of real lime juice splash of H20. White Wine Vodka w/diet tonic and fresh oranges squeezed in...(Yummy) Good Vodka like KettleOne or Stoli
I just found a pair of UnderArmour underwear at Marshall's that I love!! Also, Title 9 has some great options. (Not cotton, Spandex)
Looks to me like you need to drink LOTS more water..try it it works!! Good Luck!!
Good for you!! Sooo how painful is it on your feet?? This fall I hiked a 12 thousand foot mountain (EPIC) and I want to put mountain peaks on top of my foot...what is the pain like???????? I am such a wimp!!
I'm doing the one in Indianapolis with my Sister...Can't wait!!
Having someone else wash my hair.
Having a glass or two of Chardonnay right now....ummmmm so refreshing.....
tried to delete but would't let me
Pink wrist band that I wear running and also attach to my bike on long rides.
Not focusing on distance yet just trying for faster speed...currently running 3 miles 2-3x week.