cottonpunk Member


  • Graduate 1985 at around 113lbs. Around 120 lbs now. Would like to be 117
  • Wish I had a like button now! What bothers me is people who look at other's kids and don't have a clue about their life. My nephew was a very skinny 3 year old kid. April, 2010, he became ill with leukemia. Next step, very high dose steroids and 4 years of Chemotherapy to look forward to. Within 2 weeks, he looked like an…
  • Thank you! I'm in healthcare and I cringe every time I hear a patient say, "Dr. Oz says....."
  • A grain is approximately 65 mg. That's a lot of salt! Wouldn't advise that, either ! ;-)
  • This is a very well-documented concern. Females with family history of Osteoporosis should be careful! I do have one Coke Zero every morning, though!
  • Hi, I am in Indiana and use Target Metabolism. It has worked for me--I have lost 15 lbs in 3 months which is slow, but doable. Also, I only really had 12-15 to lose in the first place. The concept at Target Metabolism is pretty much the same as what you see here---don't go below a certain amount so you don't start saving…
  • This! My husband and I fought more in the younger days of our marriage. Now we "get" each other and rarely fight. We definitely have differing opinions sometimes, but because we don't fight much definitely doesn't mean we don't care. We have a very strong marriage--one our friends often say they would like to be like and…
  • [/quote] But at the place we used to go to, they would try to see in your purse, and I did see them throw someone out once. [/quote] That stinks....seems a little harsh! Do they have signs up that forbid it? If I don't see a sign, I assume it's okay. :-)
  • I saw that, too! I always rinse my ground beef with water now.
  • My theater does not have a policy against carrying in foods. I have walked right in and set an outside drink on the counter while I paid for my tickets and they don't care. It is a Goodrich Quality Theater Maybe you can find one near you?
  • I have my red wine every once in a while. To me, 5 ounces for 127 calories is worth it! I also like Cherry Vodka with Diet coke which is fairly low as well if I want something sweet. Good luck!